Q3. Are you active in an in-person amateur radio club? If so which one and what do you do there?
A3. A few!
#ARROW https://w8rp.org has a monthly in-person meeting and a monthly in-person mobile/portable event in a park.
All Hands Active maker space https://allhandsactive.org doesn't have a club license but does do a a regular RepairsDay where I got my 2m ladder line antenna fixed up. #AHA
#UMARC (U of Michigan) https://umarc.eecs.umich.edu meets during academic year.
#hamradio #UMARC #aha #arrow #hamtalk
The University of Michigan Amateur Radio Club just did its Sunday night net. We meet at 800p local time (Eastern time) on the Ann Arbor 145.23 repeater, or via Echolink on W8UM-R. Pat #WA4DSR was net control.
On the net: troubles with the club #Echolink link (a machine seized up mid-QSO), noting the Michigan football victory, and a query about configuring DMR radios.
#dmrconfig is https://github.com/OpenRTX/dmrconfig , recommended.
11 checkins.
#umich #goblue #UMARC #dmrconfig #echolink #WA4DSR