Lösungsansatz: »Regionalisierung«
Es gab viele Versuche, die Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche von ihrer US-Zentriertheit zu befreien. Ein neuer Antrag bringt Bewegung in die Sache.
#EmK #UMC #Methodisten
Hoffnungsvolle Signale
Ziemlich genau vor einem Jahr wollten sich die rumänischen Methodisten von der EmK trennen. Jetzt schließen sie sich der Jährlichen Konferenz #Ungarn an.
#EmK #Methodisten #UMC
#UMC #Methodisten #EmK #ungarn
Training for Adaptive Expertise: Why, What, and How http://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/9900/Training_for_Adaptive_Expertise__Why,_What,_and.397.aspx #€€ Important concept to learn, in order to be able to learn lifelong. #adaptiveexpertise Colleagues of mine in #UMC Utrecht study this also, ao Gaby Kaffka
Church regions in Eurasia and the Baltics, built up after the breakup of the Soviet Union, have taken the first steps toward leaving The United Methodist Church. It is the latest move in the #UMC's ongoing separation. https://www.umnews.org/en/news/eurasia-and-estonia-begin-exit-from-church
We in the #UMC wish you a blessed #StPatricksDay2023! Here is why the saint still matters to United Methodists https://www.umnews.org/en/news/what-st-patrick-can-teach-united-methodists
Long overdue #introduction
Originally from #Iowa, currently in south-east #Michigan, with stops in #Hull UK and Evanston IL along the way.
Degrees in Political Science, #Theology and #informationsecurity .
I’ve worked in broadcast #radio, #church (#UMC) and IT.
I don’t talk much IRL or online, but interested in #music, #culture, and general #nerd-stuff. Try to be open minded, mindful, and at my best can admit I might be wrong. #enneagram 5
#enneagram #nerd #culture #music #UMC #church #radio #informationsecurity #theology #hull #michigan #iowa #introduction
Long overdue #introduction
Originally from #Iowa, currently in south-east #Michigan, with stops in #Hull UK and Evanston IL along the way.
Degrees in Political Science, #Theology and #informationsecurity .
I’ve worked in broadcast #radio, #church (#UMC) and IT.
I generally don’t talk much IRL or online, but generally interested in music, culture, and general nerd-stuff. Try to be open minded, mindful, and at my best can admit I might be wrong. #enneagram 5
#enneagram #UMC #church #radio #informationsecurity #theology #hull #michigan #iowa #introduction
Well, I've switched servers so here's a brief #introduction. I'm Yost (they/them). I'm a full time maths teacher. I'm also a #queer theologian and #druid working on my MDiv and pursuing ordination in the #UMC. I love #boardgames, #beer, #running, #yoga, #linux, and spending time outside.
#introduction #queer #druid #UMC #boardgames #beer #running #yoga #linux
#unitedmethodistchurch #UMC #globalmethodistchurch #GMC #disaffiliation #schism #christianity #protestantism #Methodist #methodists #Methodism #Wesleyan
#wesleyan #methodism #methodists #Methodist #protestantism #christianity #schism #disaffiliation #gmc #globalmethodistchurch #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch
Abingdon Press has published a revised edition of “American Methodism,” its history of the #UMC and its predecessors. The new version adds a chapter covering 20 years of contentious debate over sexuality.
RT @IOMGREECE: 19 #UMC travelled to 🇵🇹 through #EURelocation with the first ✈️ for 2023!
Since the beginning of the project
✅1,332 #UMC have been relocated from 🇬🇷
✅5,059 relocations have been realized
W/ @EUHomeAffairs support.
@migrationgovgr @sspuam
📷: #sspuam
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1621049361349197824
»Ein Ereignis, das uns Hoffnung machen sollte«
Nordmazedoniens Präsident dankte kurz vor Weihnachten den Kirchen für ihren Einsatz für Frieden und Dialog. Dabei wurde auch ein Pastor der EmK geehrt.
#UMC #EmK #Methodisten #Nordmazedonien
#nordmazedonien #Methodisten #EmK #UMC
😱 Throwbacks Headlines 2022: #Louisiana #megachurch to leave #UMC as 47 #churches in the state have voted to disaffiliate https://gatewaybeast.wordpress.com/2023/01/21/%f0%9f%98%b1-throwbacks-headlines-2022-louisiana-megachurch-to-leave-umc-as-47-churches-in-the-state-have-voted-to-disaffiliate/
#churches #UMC #megachurch #louisiana
🇮🇳 India 1970s: children #carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #umc #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #slidefilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ektachrome #ansochrome #gaf #pappyandgra… https://instagr.am/p/CnrtBlYOn6y/
#carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #SlideFilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ektachrome #ansochrome #gaf #pappyandgra
🇮🇳 India 1970s: traveling #carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #umc #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #slidefilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ektachrome #ansochrome #gaf #pappyandgr… https://instagr.am/p/Cnm2b0wp2OS/
#carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #SlideFilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ektachrome #ansochrome #gaf #pappyandgr
🏴 Scotland 1926-28: An enhanced photo of Carroll (right) and a classmate in the University of Edinburgh medical school’s anatomy lab. #carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #umc #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries… https://instagr.am/p/Cne7GLMJDCs/
#carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries
🇮🇳 India 1970s: Yadgiri Methodist Church #carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #umc #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #slidefilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ektachrome #ansochrome #… https://instagr.am/p/CncHXqUOEcZ/
#carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #SlideFilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ektachrome #ansochrome
🇺🇸 United States 1980: a nice portrait of Carroll and Lou Ann #carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #umc #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #slidefilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ekt… https://instagr.am/p/CnaXkWdJre9/
#carrollhardylong #louannlong #methodistmissionaries #alonglegacy #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch #medicalmissionaries #johnsoncitytennessee #travels #SlideFilm #35mm #photography #kodachrome #ekt