RT @UNAOC: H.E. Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Former President of Spain and co-founder of #UNAOC, addressed the 9th UNAOC Global Forum in Fez 🇲🇦:
"I dream of a generation, not in the far distant future, that will completely abandon war and violence in international relations," he said.
RT @UNAOC: 🎙 Now underway: Representatives of @UN Member States add their voices to the #No2Antisemitism conversation at the #UNAOC and @EUatUN joint briefing on ‘combating antisemitism’.
📺 Join us live: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k11/k11ofy2yqx
RT @UNAOC: At the #UNAOC and @EUatUN meeting, Ms. @JayashriW, Chief of the Education Outreach Section, @UN Department of Global Communications, presents UN efforts to counter Holocaust denial and distortion.
📺 Join us live via @UNWebTV: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k11/k11ofy2yqx
RT @UNAOC: Mr. @MiguelMoratinos, High Representative for #UNAOC, opens the 'Briefing on Efforts on Combating Antisemitism' organized by UNAOC and @EUatUN. #No2Antisemitism
📺 Join live: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k11/k11ofy2yqx
RT @UNAOC: 🗓 Save the date: Wednesday, 15 June, 10am EDT
▶️ Briefing on Efforts on Combating Antisemitism
✅ Organized by #UNAOC and @EUatUN
📍 ECOSOC Chamber, @UN Headquarters, New York
📺 Live via @UNWebTV:
Zeitenwende u Energiewende müssen unseren eurozentrischen Blick weiten. Die #AbrahamAccords eröffnen neue Chancen für Israel, Afrika u die Arabische Welt. @Nouriel Roubini, Wirtschaftsministerin @FettahNadia @MiguelMoratinos . Dank an @SecBlinken @ProjetAladin #TangierDialogue
RT @UNAOC: In his video message to #TangierDialogue, @SecBlinken commends the organizers #UNAOC, @MarocDiplomatie @ProjetAladin. He says together we will …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ArminLaschet/status/1535676715028123649
#AbrahamAccords #TangierDialogue #UNAOC