You guys you know we don’t have to live like this . Our kids should be studying on a beautiful campus expanding their minds, challenging teachers, learning new skills instead of being traumatized and terrorized because we’ve chosen to make the gun lobby and its enablers sacred .
Did the founders envision this madness?
#UNC #guns #NRA #gop #insanity #schoolshooting
#UNC #guns #nra #gop #insanity #schoolshooting
RT @KateRogersonTV
Caleb Love is the 6th #UNC player to enter the transfer portal.
RT @KateRogersonTV
#UNC will not participate in the 2023 NIT.
Here’s the statement from head coach Hubert Davis.
RT @Wintersparv
A 2021 @uncsils study suggested women are more frequently considered non-notable and on #Wikipedia compared to men. Of the more than 1.5 million biographies on English-language version of Wikipedia, fewer than 19% were about women. #FeminstFriday #GenderEquality #unc
#wikipedia #feminstfriday #genderequality #UNC
That was a great interception, but no way that wasn't an intentional kick. Should have been ruled incomplete. #Oregon #unc #holidaybowl
I'm surprised not to have seen commentary among @histodons about this NY Times piece by my #UNC colleague Molly Worthen about the importance of taking #christian #Miracles seriously. It's quite provocative.
Some interests:
#singleCell #bayesian #stats #ancestry #genetics #popgen #geneRegulation #systemsGenetics #functionalGenomics #biology #immunology #vaccines #infection #viruses #influenza #tuberculosis #TB #malaria #NTDs #fitness #evolution #dominance #stress #aging #mosquitoes #mice #macaques
#academic #dei #diversity #equity #inclusion #blackLivesMatter #firstGen #asian #aapi #multi #access2meds #globalHealth #swarthmore #johnsHopkins #unc #chicago #washingtonDC #moco
#newhere #hashtags #singlecell #bayesian #Stats #ancestry #genetics #PopGen #generegulation #systemsgenetics #FunctionalGenomics #biology #immunology #vaccines #infection #viruses #influenza #tuberculosis #tb #malaria #NTDS #fitness #evolution #dominance #stress #aging #mosquitoes #mice #macaques #academic #dei #diversity #equity #inclusion #blacklivesmatter #FirstGen #asian #aapi #multi #access2meds #globalhealth #Swarthmore #johnshopkins #UNC #chicago #WashingtonDC #moco
#Helloworld! Here's my #introduction: I'm a #math prof (4y) turned law prof (21y) at #UNC. I've written on #patents, #antitrust, #AI, cyberlaw and other areas of law that present interesting mathematical questions (e.g., insider trading, #gerrymandering). Dabbler in analytic #philosophy. Single dad to an autistic tween and an old-school cultural warrior for #AsianAmerican visibility and empowerment.
#helloworld #introduction #Math #UNC #patents #AntiTrust #ai #gerrymandering #philosophy #AsianAmerican
#Helloworld! Here's my #introduction: I'm a #math prof (4y) turned law prof (21y) at #UNC. I've written on #patents, #antitrust, #AI, cyberlaw and other areas of law that present interesting mathematical questions (e.g., insider trading, #gerrymandering). Dabbler in analytic #philosophy. Single dad to an autistic tween and an old-school cultural warrior for #AsianAmerican visibility and empowerment.
#helloworld #introduction #Math #UNC #patents #AntiTrust #ai #gerrymandering #philosophy #AsianAmerican
2nd day here and so far so good. I have seen some others do this so what the heck, here goes: some interests of mine:
#dachshunds (that’s not redundant🤪)
#yoga #meditation #Cycling #travel #Books #reading #music #jazz #indiemusic #sailing #spinning #dogs #dachshunds #sober #recoveryposse #collegebasketball #UNC #peace #nature #livemusic #beach #crosswords #nytxw
Still wandering around and getting a sense of #mastodon. I'm a late Boomer graduate #UNC-CH in American Studies.
I'm a #horse and #dog lover despite not having either one.
I'm a middle of the road independent that who all of a sudden became a #Democrat in all but name in 2016. Gave my first political donations to #PeteButtigieg in 2019.
Passionate #Firefly fan which introduced me to a fantastic number of people .
I work helping people get transportation to Dr appointments.
#mastodon #UNC #horse #dog #democrat #PeteButtigieg #firefly
#Helloworld! Here's my #introduction: I'm a #math prof (4y) turned law prof (21y) at #UNC. I've written on #patents, #antitrust, #AI, cyberlaw and other areas of law that present interesting mathematical questions (e.g., insider trading, #gerrymandering). Dabbler in analytic #philosophy. Single dad to an autistic tween and an old-school cultural warrior for #AsianAmerican visibility and empowerment.
#artificialintelligence #autism #woke #liberal #criticalracetheory #northcarolina
#helloworld #introduction #Math #UNC #patents #AntiTrust #ai #gerrymandering #philosophy #AsianAmerican #artificialintelligence #autism #woke #liberal #CriticalRaceTheory #northcarolina
#northcarolina #UNC #TarHeels #disney #wdw #history #Archaelogy #music #film #art #museum #nationalpark