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Originally posted by EFF /
The US says the proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty must be be firmly grounded in human rights, fundamental freedoms, and rule of law. We will hold the US to its word.
Originally posted by EFF /
Any #UNCybercrimeTreaty should make us more cyber secure, it should not make us less cyber secure, says @tame_wildcard. The treaty should provide legal protection for security researchers and journalists who identify and fix vulnerabilities in technologies we use every day.
Originally posted by EFF /
We're fighting against Russia's amendment in Art. 9bis of the #UNCybercrimeTreaty. The vague language "aimed at disrupting information and communication networks" raises concerns as it can be broadly interpreted to justify censorship.
Originally posted by EFF /
It's time to unite against overcriminalization in the proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty! Let's protect the rights of ordinary users and focus on tackling genuine cyber threats.
Originally posted by EFF /
Companies like Netflix have addressed password sharing through civil means, such as charging a small fee for additional users. Penalizing users for sharing passwords in non-profit situations is excessive. #UNCybercrimeTreaty
Originally posted by EFF /
Netflix Sharing: The proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty could turn millions of ordinary people into "cybercriminals" overnight by criminalizing password sharing among friends and family. This is a disproportionate response to a civil issue.
Originally posted by EFF /
The Iranian proposal for the U.N. Cybercrime Treaty to restrict tools for "hiding the identity of users" is a major threat to human rights. We must fight against all attempts to limit the tools that protect privacy, anonymity, and free speech in the #UNCybercrimeTreaty.
Originally posted by EFF /
The Chinese amendment to the proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty worsens an already problematic definition. This may lead to a ban on penetration testing & dual-use security tools, further jeopardizing tools needed for security research.
Originally posted by EFF /
The Iranian proposal to restrict tools for "hiding the identity of users" is a major threat to human rights. We must fight against all attempts to limit the tools that protect privacy, anonymity, and free speech in the #UNCybercrimeTreaty.
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Originally posted by EFF /
Let's advocate for clearer definitions and exceptions that protect the rights of security researchers. Our digital world relies on their work to keep systems safe. #UNCybercrimeTreaty
Originally posted by EFF /
Tool Problems: The proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty could unintentionally ban essential tools like penetration testing or dual-use computer security tools. We must protect the rights of security researchers and the tools they rely on!
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Originally posted by EFF /
Transparency reports from ISPs are crucial for oversight and accountability. However, the draft's language could lead to laws gaging Transparency reports—undermining trust and transparency. #UNCybercrimeTreaty
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Originally posted by EFF /
Any #UNCybercrimeTreaty should make us more cyber secure, not less. The present text of the treaty, unless drastically improved, would make us less cyber secure, @tame_wildcard said in Vienna at an EFF briefing.
Originally posted by EFF /
Removing from the proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty obligations to provide adequate human rights protections could undermine privacy and data protection on a global scale, and would contradict existing international human rights standards, EFF's @txitua told reporters.
Originally posted by EFF /
Let's advocate for clearer definitions and exceptions that protect the rights of security researchers. Our digital world relies on their work to keep systems safe. #UNCybercrimeTreaty
Originally posted by EFF /
Tool Problems: The proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty could unintentionally ban essential tools like penetration testing or dual-use computer security tools. We must protect the rights of security researchers and the tools they rely on!
Originally posted by EFF /
Transparency reports from ISPs are crucial for oversight and accountability. However, the draft's language could lead to laws gaging Transparency reports—undermining trust and transparency. #UNCybercrimeTreaty
Originally posted by EFF /
Don't Silence Transparency Reports. People deserve to know if their data was shared with authorities. Unfortunately, the draft treaty permits gag orders, even when disclosure wouldn't harm ongoing investigations. #UNCybercrimeTreaty
Originally posted by EFF /
Article 6 of the proposed #UNCybercrimeTreaty also raises concerns about its aggravating penalties. This article affects reporters and whistleblowers who expose vital information. Time to take a stand!
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Originally posted by EFF /
Access without authorization: the amendments by many states do not include an intent requirement risk blurring the line between security researchers finding vulnerabilities and cybercriminals exploiting them. #UNCybercrimeTreaty