RT @SoliwRiLibya
Why @unhcr = @UNFAIR_agency !
Read this important 🧵
by @RefugeesinLibya
#EvacuateRefugeesFromTunisia https://twitter.com/RefugeesinLibya/status/1646110382996484099
#UNFAIRagency #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia
RT @UNFAIR_agency
Why are there militias in front of your door brutally beating people in need for help and treatment?
We demand answers, @UNHCRLibya & @Refugees ! We're waiting!
#evacuate #RefugeesInLibya #UNFAIRagency #LibyaIsNotSafe
RT Mediterranea Berlin e.V.#ToGeneva 9-10 December 2022"The #UNHCR in Libya has been very UNFAIR to all the people who needed to be protected"@Yambiodavid, spokesperson of @RefugeesinLibya:#UNfair #UNfairAgency #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E62epT4OcYU&t=4s
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #UNFAIRagency #unfair #unhcr #ToGeneva
#ToGeneva!9-10 dicembre 2022Perché protestiamo contro @Refugees ?Perché rimanere in silenzio di fronte alle ingiustizie equivale ad essere compliciPer donare e ulteriori info: #UnfairAgency#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya@SoliwRiLibya https://www.gofundme.com/f/zdrm6-solidarity-with-refugees-in-libya
Re Dona ora a @RefugeesinLibya: #unfairagency #evacuaterefugeesfromlibya https://www.gofundme.com/f/zdrm6-solidarity-with-refugees-in-libya?utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #UNFAIRagency
📢 Un anno fa, @RefugeesinLibya iniziava una protesta durata oltre 100 giorni davanti alla sede dell'#UNHCR a #Tripoli. È giunto il momento di spostare la protesta dalla #Libia a #Ginevra: 9-10 dicembre, di fronte sede @Refugees! Unisciti alla lotta!#unfairAgency #refugees
#refugees #UNFAIRagency #ginevra #libia #tripoli #unhcr
RT @UNFAIR_agency
People on the move put their hope and trust in the @Refugees agency. They ask for protection, acknowledgement or assistance but all too often #UNHCR fails them. Instead, people are met with #UNFAIR treatments by UNHCR.
#unhcr #unfair #RefugeesInLibya #solidarity #refugees #UNFAIRagency
RT @SarahSpasiano
It's time for a critical perspective on UNHCR and especially the situation in Libya. The situation for @Refugees in Libya finally has to change.
@UNFAIR_agency @RefugeesinLibya @SoliwRiLibya
#CallToGeneva https://twitter.com/UNFAIR_agency/status/1588491279604015107
#LibyaNotSafe #UNFAIRagency #CallToGeneva