An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
An Elephant Never Forgets! 3 Years Ago | I was Blind but Now I Can See??;)
GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEMS on the Brink OF Financial, Economic, Social and Political #COLLAPSE? | #Credit_Suisse "Prophecy"?
What is USA #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES and should YOU be CONCERNED? All #Predicted 3 years ago right here on #LinkedIn. We tried to #WARN ALL BUT #NO_ONE_LISTENED.. see Vid for FULL STORY below.
#Donald_Amstad from #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments delivers a #sobering assessment on the state of developed #market_economies.
#Quick_Quotes Below:
* The #Government_Debt in the #USA under #President_Trump is #OUT of #CONTROL. Corporate American is the MOST highly Leveraged it has ever been. 3 trillion dollars sitting at TRIPLE B?"
* But Debt is NOT the Problem in the United States.. Its #LIABILITIES.. #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES..
are NOW OVER 124 #TRILLION_DOLLARS?? That means is that the USA Government has promised to pay people 124 Trillion dollars?? But they haven't Funded it that's why its a UNFUNDED LIABILITY.. Where the Hell is the USA Government going to get 124 TRILLION Dollars From?..
* "What is your perspective on the state of the Bond Market happening today and What are the implications of #Government_Bonds?"
* "1998 Asian financial Crisis | All Asian Governments wanted to PRINT MONEY while (International Money Fund) #IMF says NO! NO! NO! you cant do that because if you so you are gonna end up like ZIMBABWE.. BANKS WENT BUST..??"
* "2007 AND 2008 NOT GLOBAL but #WESTERN Financial Crisis REVISITED.. There was absolute SHOCK IN ASIA?? What did Western Governments and Central banks do?? They did exactly what they had told Asian Governments NOT TO-DO 10 YEARS EARLIER?? They went and PRINTED MONEY??"
* "In the Emerging World Economic and Monetary Policy is Broadly Orthodox' it's the #WEST that is running #UNORTHODOX Economic and Monetary Policy and its the #WEST that is NOW on the #CLIFF_EDGE??
Emerging Markets ARE a SAFE HAVEN NOW. Its the DEVELOPED WORLD that is really at RISK NOW..??"
No more Bullets left in the Gun. The West has fired all its Bullets.
* "Take my dear mother in London for example. She Feels POOR and she feels she has to economize with her spending.."
* "The only people who've made MONEY in the last 10 years are the 1% of the 1%.. (#THE_ELITE!) 99.99% of the rest of the population have been left behind (EXCLUSION?)."
* What we never had to deal with before is a #BUBBLE IN THE #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS?? What Happens when that goes #POP??..
* "In an environment where the WEST FINALLY WAKES UP and Takes the Medicine it's going to impact EVERYBODY including EMERGING MARKETS..? Emerging Market Balance sheets are far stronger than the DEVELOPED WORLD."
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #COLLAPSE #Credit_Suisse #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #PREDICTED #linkedin #WARN #NO_ONE_LISTENED #Donald_Amstad #Aberdeen_Standard_Investments #sobering #market_economies #Quick_Quotes #Government_Debt #usa #President_Trump #out #control #liabilities #TRILLION_DOLLARS #Government_Bonds #imf #western #west #UNORTHODOX #CLIFF_EDGE #THE_ELITE #bubble #RISK_FREE #ASSET_CLASS #pop #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT
I think the MAXIMUM CREDIT for any country in the world is 22 #Trillion PER COUNTTY. #USA is in #BANKRUPTCY STAGES OF #DEBT. imho
#China is sitting back waiting for USA to become bankrupt.
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
I think the MAXIMUM CREDIT for any country in the world is 22 #Trillion PER COUNTTY. #USA is in #BANKRUPTCY STAGES OF #DEBT. imho
#China is sitting back waiting for USA to become bankrupt.
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
I think the MAXIMUM CREDIT for any country in the world is 22 #Trillion PER COUNTTY. #USA is in #BANKRUPTCY STAGES OF #DEBT. imho
#China is sitting back waiting for USA to become bankrupt.
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
I think the MAXIMUM CREDIT for any country in the world is 22 #Trillion PER COUNTTY. #USA is in #BANKRUPTCY STAGES OF #DEBT. imho
#China is sitting back waiting for USA to become bankrupt.
Founder of #SEO
Founder of #RTB
Founder of #HFT
#hft #rtb #seo #WE_THE_PEOPLES #mismanagement #concerned #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #china #debt #bankruptcy #usa #trillion #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
I think the MAXIMUM CREDIT for any country in the world is 22 #Trillion PER COUNTTY. #USA is in #BANKRUPTCY STAGES OF #DEBT. imho
#China is sitting back waiting for USA to become bankrupt.
Founder of #SEO
Founder of #RTB
Founder of #HFT
#hft #rtb #seo #WE_THE_PEOPLES #mismanagement #concerned #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #china #debt #bankruptcy #usa #trillion #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
I think the MAXIMUM CREDIT for any country in the world is 22 #Trillion PER COUNTTY. #USA is in #BANKRUPTCY STAGES OF #DEBT. imho
#China is sitting back waiting for USA to become bankrupt.
Founder of #SEO
Founder of #RTB
Founder of #HFT
#hft #rtb #seo #WE_THE_PEOPLES #mismanagement #concerned #UNFUNDED_LIABILITIES #china #debt #bankruptcy #usa #trillion #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS