« Registration is now open for the 3rd @UN Open Science Conference by the #UNLibrary, @UNDESA and @UNESCO.
For more information: http://www.un.org/en/library/os23
#OpenScienceUN https://t.co/RlmMCXDcQF »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/UNLibrary/status/1615107012819394602
Oggi all'#ONU si parla di #ScienzaAperta!
RT @UNLibrary@twitter.activitypub.actor
Get ready! On 19 November, representatives of open science initiatives, researchers, librarians and policymakers will come together for the #OpenScienceUN Conference organized by the #UNLibrary and @SPARC_NA. Follow the discussions on http://webtv.un.org!
#onu #scienzaaperta #OpenScienceUN #UNLibrary