RT @AthensVoice: Η ευκαιρία για την οικονομία είναι «μπλε»!
✍️ @MariaSpyraki
#BlueEconomy #UNOceanConference #EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaSpyraki/status/1546185791885434881
#BlueEconomy #UNOceanConference #EU
RT @FriendsofOcean: Still buzzing from the energy of #UNOceanConference! The event convened & galvanized thousands of diverse #ocean lovers to #SaveOurOcean, setting off a new wave of global #OceanAction. Read our #UNOC2022 highlights here & stay tuned for more 🌊🌊🌊 https://www.weforum.org/friends-of-ocean-action/heres-how-the-2022-un-ocean-conference-set-off-a-new-wave-of-global-ocean-action #SDG14+
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1544262957495984128
#UNOceanConference #Ocean #SaveOurOcean #OceanAction #UNOC2022 #SDG14
RT @RemiParmentier: I told a journalist this morning that I believe #UNOC2022, the #UNOceanConference will be remembered in History as the moment when the tide started to turn against #DeepSeaMining. 💪🌍🐟🤞
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marietouss1/status/1542916701636927489
#UNOC2022 #UNOceanConference #deepseamining
Du #OneOceanSummit de Brest à la #UNOceanConference de Lisbonne, de la commission @EP_Fisheries à la commission @EP_Environment, @CathChabaud joue un rôle fondamental
Bravo à elle & à son équipe qui œuvrent pour la prise en compte de l’océan dans toutes les politiques 🇪🇺
RT @Renaissance_UE: 🌊 L'Océan est un atout formidable pour l'Europe, il doit être également au cœur de nos politiques climatiques.
À l’occasion de la journée m…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariePierreV/status/1542779771821637633
#OneOceanSummit #UNOceanConference
RT @sms_eur: 5 day: Closure of intense five days #UNOceanConference 🌊 #SaveOurOcean more action! Peace between people and peace with nature. Long live the Ocean🇵🇹President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
#UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean
“Os oceanos deveriam ser enaltecidos nas conferências do clima”, diz comissário europeu @VSinkevicius https://www.publico.pt/2022/07/01/azul/noticia/oceanos-enaltecidos-conferencias-clima-comissario-europeu-2011854
#UNOceanConference #UNOC2022 #SaveOurOcean #juntosmaisfortes
#UNOceanConference #UNOC2022 #SaveOurOcean #Juntosmaisfortes
#UNOC2022 | last day of discussion at the #UNOceanConference
🤝 Collective action
🔬 Science & innovation
🌊 Blue education & knowledge
💬 Dialogue
were the keywords at the 💙 of all debate
A share commitment to restore #OurOcean for the future generations
#UNOC2022 #UNOceanConference #OurOcean #OceanEU #SDG14
RT @GabrielMariya: I'm proud to announce the launch of the #MissionOcean charter today during the #UNOceanConference in Lisbon 🇵🇹!
It sets guidelines for our journey to restore 🌊#OurOcean & Waters and to build a bluer future together!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/REA_research/status/1542848263069515779
#MissionOcean #UNOceanConference #OurOcean
Merci à l’envoyé spécial @ThomsonFiji, véritable précurseur du combat pour protéger les océans. Sous l'impulsion du président @EmmanuelMacron, la France est au rendez-vous de ce défi immense. #UNOceanConference #OneOceanSummit
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1542765162981122048
#UNOceanConference #OneOceanSummit
RT @sms_eur: Day 4 of #UNOceanConference : Pres Macron reinforcing his commitment to protect the 🌊 #SaveOurOcean , discussions on security of subsea data cables @LiciniaSimao and first coffee spotted inside the AltisArena
#UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean
I'm proud to announce the launch of the #MissionOcean charter today during the #UNOceanConference in Lisbon 🇵🇹!
It sets guidelines for our journey to restore 🌊#OurOcean & Waters and to build a bluer future together!
Check 👉 https://europa.eu/!4tnxXh
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GabrielMariya/status/1542532227946397696
#MissionOcean #UNOceanConference #OurOcean #EUMissions #HorizonEU
About last night - a inspiring session bringing together international ocean literacy networks!
It’s clear that blue education is the foundation of ocean action.
Together with @IocUnesco we are working to make ocean education a key topic at #UNOceanConference.
RT @TobiasTroll: “Maximum Sustainable Yield” is not sustainable, @vitcheva_eu agrees with @IsabellaLovin, and adds that “precautionary principle” is taking very seriously by the European Commission. So why are so many stocks still overfished? Let’s move from words to action! #UNOceanConference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1542169433220816902
Great to see so many Irish ocean activists at the Lisbon #UNOceanConference this week, I'm sorry I can't be there with you!
2022 will be a key year for Marine Protected Areas and habitat restoration legislation.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GraceOSllvn/status/1542117814781333504
RT @AfriqueCaopa: 🔵À l'occasion de la #UNOceanConference #UNOC22 à #Lisbonne, les pêcheurs artisans demandent aux décideurs de les #écouter, de les #consulter et de les #inclure davantage dans l'élaboration des politiques et dans les discussions.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineRooseEU/status/1542154506036776963
#UNOceanConference #UNOC22 #Lisbonne #écouter #consulter #inclure
RT @islandsmarine: At #unoc2022 Making fisheries
sustainable and providing access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets #UNOceanConference
RT @PSnaEuropa: Prosseguem os contactos bilaterais dos #socialistasportugueses que integram a delegação do #EuropeanParliament na #UNOceanConference. Pela sustentabilidade e preservação dos oceanos. #SaveOurOcean
#socialistasportugueses #EuropeanParliament #UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean #starfish2030
RT @Europarl_PT: A Conferência dos Oceanos decorre esta semana e conta com a presença dos eurodeputados🇵🇹@sara_saracerdas, @MPizarroPorto, @czorrinho, @NunoMeloCDS e @FGuerreiroMEP para debater uma das prioridades do PE: a preservação dos #mares e #oceanos.
#UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1542073822932787201
#mares #Oceanos #UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean
RT @PSnaEuropa: Reuniões bilaterais dos #socialistasportugueses na #UNOceanConference com representantes de instituições e organizações internacionais. #SaveOurOcean
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1542066114137563138
#socialistasportugueses #UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean
RT @CE_PTrep: Os esforços necessários para melhorar a governação internacional dos oceanos | A opinião de @VSinkevicius no @dntwit ⤵️
#UNOceanConference #UNOC2022 #SaveOurOcean #juntosmaisfortes
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/danielrosarioEU/status/1542093900252315651
#UNOceanConference #UNOC2022 #SaveOurOcean #Juntosmaisfortes