#Newsnight Good question. Is causality really established for #UltraProcessedFood? The answer is, not really. It's an interesting hypothesis. #UPF
#UPF #ultraprocessedfood #newsnight
"Using the methods developed in the #PNS tradition one discovers how never as with the present pandemics have numbers, and the attendant activities of measuring and modelling, taken centre-stage. Yet these numbers, often delivered by academics and media alike with extraordinary precision, rely on a rich repertoire of assumptions, including forms of bias, that can significantly skew both the numbers per se and the trust we repose in them."
Ultra-processed foods are associated with a higher risk of dementia.
Maroc, Assises #UPF. Réflexions et expériences en partage à l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique. 3 jours intenses, 3 générations, 4 continents, un festival d’intelligence, de culture générale et d’impertinence. D’inconstance aussi, par moments. Sacrés métiers!
Maroc, Union de la Presse francophone. 72 ans. 49emes Assises à Benguerir Marrakech. Sujet : pour un «leadership féminin». Recherche de la base et du sommet? Trois jours passionnants. Bons vents à Anne-Cécile Robert, présidente élue