Freue mich gerade sehr über den Erfolg der US-Gewerkschaften für #UPS-Zustellfahrer. Denn ich sehe das als einen weiteren Schritt dazu, dass endlich wieder tatsächliche Arbeit (wie auch etwa bei Erziehenden, Lehrenden, Pflegenden usw.) stärker bezahlt wird, statt dass - wie in den letzten Jahrzehnten - fast nur Management und Aktionäre profitieren!
If you stand in solidarity with UPS workers and they do strike in a few days, please for the love of god cancel your meal prep subscriptions. They do not need to walk back into work whenever the strike is over to thousands of packages of spoiled food.
Also don't scab and use other delivery services. We all must endure the pain (where possible) and complain (however possible) to UPS leadership about their monstrous greed! We all stand to gain.
#unions #solidarity #strike #upsstrike #UPS
General things to share now that #UPS teamsters are likely to strike:
1) Strikes are caused by a company leadership's inability to work with absolutely reasonable requests for compensation / safety / benefits. This only services of their own greed.
2) Withholding labor is the primary tool that unions can use when negotiations fail.
3) Strikes are supposed to cause widespread discomfort. Fed up with it? Reach out to the company and blame it. Empathize with workers.
UPS Teamsters overwhelmingly authorize strike if no deal is reached by August 1 | CNN Business
#Union #teamsters #UPS #Business
Adventures with #UPS
Customer service rep: "We will give you a call back within an hour"
Sam: "Yes that's what the last person I talked to two hours ago said"
CSR: "Well I assure you that we will this time."
Sam: "I'm having difficulty believing you."
CSR: "Well I guarantee it"
Sam: "That's not really reassuring."
CSR: "I am sorry that you are frustrated"
Man könnte denken die Digitalisierung bei UPS wäre von eine Bundesbehörde organisiert worden: Umlaut im Nachnamen: geht nicht. Übliches Sonderzeichen im Passwort: geht nicht. Postalischer Aktivierungscode: geht nicht. Zu Empfangenes Paket wird in App als von mir versendet angezeigt und ist eine Woche verschollen. #UPS
Another #OctopusSavingSession today - one light on and a cuppa made 3 mins before the window. All IT running off of #UPS - initial runtime showed 66 mins with a 60 min window! Now 15 mins in showing 47 mins and 71% left - going to be tight!!
Another #OctopusSavingSession opted in today. Working from home so the monitors were powered off and the laptop ran on its battery. Routers and switches running from #UPS - I was out when it started but made a coffee at 8:30 in a travel mug and it was hot enough when I got back so no usual kettle boiling!! #WaitingForTheResults
#octopussavingsession #UPS #waitingfortheresults
After #OctopusSavingSession this week I decided I should put my #UPS back into my #HomeLAB only to discover that it was dead. I knew it wasn't the battery as I had replaced it last year! New UPS via Amazon now installed. 390W unit at 15% gives about an hour on battery. My two NAS units shutdown after 3 mins taking around 5 mins to off still leaving enough to run the router/WiFi, switch, Pi2s acting as DNS servers and Pi4 with my containers on for about a further hour. #Ready for the next one!
#octopussavingsession #UPS #homelab #ready
I needn’t have worried. #UPS tracking are now showing the photo/proof of delivery. Very discreet shot of a few paving stones, definitely doesn’t include me
Then again, it doesn’t include the parcel or the door either…
Like so many, had the #ColdThatWon’tShift for ages. On Monday it added the shivers and aches all over. Went back to bed, but made myself stay awake yesterday am for a #UPS delivery. It never came
Today, desperate to shower, took a risk. Came out to see a UPS van draw up. Driver took a pic of the package by the front door just as I opened it. Hope to goodness it didn’t include a shot of the wild haired wraith in a bathrobe peering around the door edge looking like the Wreck of the Hesperus
Grrrr, ordered a bargain 512GB SD card from #westernDigital online store a week ago. Was wondering why it hadn't turned up yet so checked the #UPS tracking, which was showing as "delivered". Looking into the details, it was refused internally at their Rotterdam depot (never even left The Netherlands) and returned to the sender in The Hague. I've opened a support ticket with WD 😒
After an eventful year with an #IntercontinentalMove from #StockholmUniversity back to #UniGraz, a lot of #ups, but also several #downs, I will see my #LabBench again next year, hopefully #WellRested and with a lot of #NewIdeas!
Happy #WinterHolidays and/or #MerryChristmas!
#AcademicLife #WomenInSTEM #Biochemistry #WorkLifeBalance #HappyHolidays2022
#happyholidays2022 #worklifebalance #biochemistry #womeninstem #academiclife #merrychristmas #WinterHolidays #newideas #wellrested #labbench #Downs #UPS #UniGraz #StockholmUniversity #intercontinentalmove
I guess #UPS are going to put more miles on my new training wheels this winter than I will... #WrongIsland #SoCloseYetSoFar
#UPS #WrongIsland #SoCloseYetSoFar
Wo soll #UPS denn sonst parken? Stand direkt vor dem #Ordnungsamt hier in #Karlsruhe, aber natürlich hat er auch da nichts zu befürchten ... #RunterVomGehweg
#UPS #Ordnungsamt #karlsruhe #runtervomgehweg
Wer konnte denn ahnen, dass Yaks so glatte Haut haben?
Die #UPS #MyChoice-Webseite ist auch broken.
Zweimal einen Brief mit der Freischalt-#PIN erhalten (aus Brüssel, so dass er ewig unterwegs ist und erst kurz vor Ablauf eintrifft), beide Male wurde die PIN nicht akzeptiert.
Man darf die PIN nicht unter der im Brief genannten URL eingeben sondern muss das im Profil versteckte Eingabefeld finden, dann geht es.
Anschließend kam eine Mail von UPS, sie hätten meinen Nachnamen geändert... ähm, was?
Einstellungen sehen aber soweit normal aus...
Mit einer Stunde Verspätung von “Zustellung bis 15:45” auf “bis Tagesende” umgestellt. Detaillierte Zustellungsinfos gibt’s nur mit Account. Das alles und noch viel weniger, nur bei #UPS