Wikipedia-Link zu lang? So schnell kürzst Du URLs (Links) zu #Wikipedia und zu anderen @wikimediaDE-Projekten:
👉 statt 👉ürzung
#urlshortener #URLshorteners #URLShortening #wikimedia
#wikimedia #URLShortening #URLshorteners #urlshortener #wikipedia
These days there are none that we know of, but good news is Mastodon caps URLs #characterCount to the low twenties, this means even if you URL is 500 characters long, not only will the scrolling user only see about 25 characters, the character count only goes up by about 23 characters.
Other instances have larger character counts typically, so that's good too.
So there is no real need for #URLShortening on online social networks.
If you want us to a look at some, happy to help.
#CharacterCount #URLShortening
Hier kannst Du Deine URLs (Links) in #Wikipedia und anderen #Wikimedia-Projekten kürzen (lassen):
#urlshortener #URLshorteners #URLShortening
#URLShortening #URLshorteners #urlshortener #wikimedia #wikipedia
"Oh it's Cloudflare…"
The following #urlShortening sites are #Cloudflare. Add them to your BLOCKMARK list:
#monopoly #antitrust #corporateClosedInternet #tinyURL #tinyURLDotCom #isDotGD #VDotGD #blockmark
#URLShortening #cloudflare #monopoly #antitrust #corporateClosedInternet #tinyURL #tinyURLDotCom #isDotGD #VDotGD #blockmark
You know we are reaching the end when even #urlShortening services won't work without an "app" and #TorProject breaks accessible Tor addresses.
#tinyurlDotCom #malware #HSv2 #HSv3 #JavaScript #makeJavascriptOptional #neoFeudalism #corporateTotalitarianism #artificialImpoverishment #resist #resistance #xr
#URLShortening #torproject #tinyURLDotCom #malware #HSv2 #HSv3 #javascript #makejavascriptoptional #neofeudalism #CorporateTotalitarianism #artificialImpoverishment #resist #resistance #xr
Now that tinyURL have turned into anus it seems a good time to ask, is there an alternative #URLShortening service that isn't garbage?