Saying that you will scrap all eligible candidates for US SCOTUS who are not african-american and women is discriminatory, racist and contributes to the growing racism in the country.
Even if black women gets picked for the SCOTUS it would be the **FIRST** black women ever picked for the position in the loooong history of white male picks and still none gives a shit about native americans, latinos, hindi, pacific islanders, etc..
If US truly cared about addressing racism and discrimination sufficiently then they would scrap the whole US SCOTUS and set a hard limit on the the justice term to be replaced every X years with the approval of all ellected officials in the senate while mandating that the SCOTUS has to be represented by all major nationalities and genders in the country.
But none will do that, because US simply **does not and will not ever do enough on social equality**.
#racism #US #USLaw #USPolitics #USRacism #USDiscrimination #discrimination #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #WLM #WhiteLivesMatter #SCOTUS #USSCOTUS #biden #GOP #democrat
#uspolitics #USDiscrimination #discrimination #biden #gop #uslaw #USRacism #blm #democrat #racism #blacklivesmatter #wlm #whitelivesmatter #scotus #USSCOTUS #us