RT @naeaglecam
MrP showed up again today. #americaneaglefoundation #naeaglecam #dceagles #MrP #mrpresident #Lotus #LadyoftheUnitedStates #fona #usna #baldeagles #DC #DCAudubon #birding #abcbirds #USFWS #nestingseason #eaglets #wildlife #birdsofprey #raptors
#raptors #birdsofprey #wildlife #eaglets #nestingseason #USFWS #abcbirds #birding #dcaudubon #dc #baldeagles #usna #fona #ladyoftheunitedstates #lotus #mrpresident #mrp #dceagles #naeaglecam #americaneaglefoundation
RT @naeaglecam
Dale Hollow Rescue Update. #americaneaglefoundation #naeaglecam #dceagles #MrP #mrpresident #Lotus #LadyoftheUnitedStates #fona #usna #baldeagles #DC #DCAudubon #birding #abcbirds #USFWS #nestingseason #eaglets #wildlife #birdsofprey #raptors #DaleHollowEagletRescue
#daleholloweagletrescue #raptors #birdsofprey #wildlife #eaglets #nestingseason #USFWS #abcbirds #birding #dcaudubon #dc #baldeagles #usna #fona #ladyoftheunitedstates #lotus #mrpresident #mrp #dceagles #naeaglecam #americaneaglefoundation
The #MiamiTigerBeetle will have #CriticalHabitat finalized and The #BractedTwistflower will be listed as a #ThreatenedSpecies (with critical habitat designated) under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct, the #CenterForBiologicalDiversity announced.
The #Miami #TigerBeetle lives in the #PineRocklands of very urbanized #SouthFlorida in #MiamiDadeCounty, while the bracted twistflower is found in #UvaldeCounty, #BexarCounty, #MedinaCounty, and #TravisCounty in #Texas, roughly coinciding with the #I35Corridor.
#plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #Florida #SouthTexas #UrbanSprawl #ESA #EndangeredSpecies #USFWS
#miamitigerbeetle #criticalhabitat #bractedtwistflower #threatenedspecies #endangeredspeciesact #centerforbiologicaldiversity #Miami #tigerbeetle #pinerocklands #southflorida #miamidadecounty #uvaldecounty #bexarcounty #medinacounty #traviscounty #texas #i35corridor #plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #florida #southtexas #urbanSprawl #esa #endangeredspecies #USFWS
RT @naeaglecam
Confirmed: MrP and Lotus are raising 2 eaglets! Photo by Sue Greeley #americaneaglefoundation #naeaglecam #dceagles #MrP #mrpresident #Lotus #LadyoftheUnitedStates #fona #usna #baldeagles #DC #DCAudubon #birding #abcbirds #USFWS #nestingseason #eaglets #wildlife #birdsofprey
#birdsofprey #wildlife #eaglets #nestingseason #USFWS #abcbirds #birding #dcaudubon #dc #baldeagles #usna #fona #ladyoftheunitedstates #lotus #mrpresident #mrp #dceagles #naeaglecam #americaneaglefoundation
For those interested in the Voices of the Wilderness Artist-In-Residence program in Alaska, the deadline to apply is March 1, 2023. Learn more at https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1078793.pdf and https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r10/specialplaces/?cid=stelprd3820977 and https://www.pw.org/content/voices_of_the_wilderness_residency and #usfs #usfws #nps #nationalparks #publiclands #photography #dance #landscapephotography #poetry #music #interpretation #art #ArtistInResidence #Alaska Image of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Image credit National Park Service
#usfs #USFWS #nps #nationalparks #publiclands #photography #dance #landscapephotography #poetry #music #Interpretation #art #artistinresidence #alaska
A most beautiful spot to visit, this image of the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge may inspire you - Ebey’s Landing is not far away, Mount Baker (seen here in the background) is another incredible place to wander, and for travel in the area, the Washington State Ferry system is excellent. Image credit Dow Lambert/USFWS. Learn more at #USFWS #wildliferefuge #lighthouse #photography #interpretation and https://newdungenesslighthouse.com and https://www.fws.gov/refuge/dungeness and https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/washington-state-ferries
#USFWS #wildliferefuge #lighthouse #photography #Interpretation
New Dungeness Light Station today. For those interested in visiting, general location reference points include Washington (USA), British Columbia (Canada), Salish Sea, Puget Sound, and Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge). Image credit NDLSA. Learn more at #USFWS #wildliferefuge #lighthouse #clouds #photography #interpretation and https://newdungenesslighthouse.com and https://www.fws.gov/refuge/dungeness
#USFWS #wildliferefuge #lighthouse #clouds #photography #Interpretation
RT @naeaglecam
Wishing those who celebrate a Merry Christmas🎄 #americaneaglefoundation #naeaglecam #dceagles #MrP #mrpresident #Lotus #LadyoftheUnitedStates #fona #usna #baldeagles #DC #DCAudubon #birding #abcbirds #USFWS #nestingseason #wildlife #birdsofprey #raptors #Christmas #TisTheSeason
#tistheseason #christmas #raptors #birdsofprey #wildlife #nestingseason #USFWS #abcbirds #birding #dcaudubon #dc #baldeagles #usna #fona #ladyoftheunitedstates #lotus #mrpresident #mrp #dceagles #naeaglecam #americaneaglefoundation
From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: “Important announcement: We're designating the northern cardinal as the best holiday season bird. It just makes sense and we won't be taking any questions at this time. Thank you.” Learn more at https://www.fws.gov and #interpretation #usfws #birds #publiclands #photography #nps #nationalparks #socialmedia (Sincere appreciation for the outreach and the humor!) Image credit N. Lewis/ NPS
#Interpretation #USFWS #birds #publiclands #photography #nps #nationalparks #socialmedia
I worked for #USFWS back in the day and I love following their social media now. I especially like picture from the #refuges If anyone out there has a hook up for Mastodon I would appreciate it! #publiclands