Fox host forced to report on MASSIVE Biden win - #USEconomy #USJobsReport #USRecession #USInflation #USJobs #USWages #BTC
#btc #uswages #USJobs #USInflation #usrecession #usjobsreport #useconomy
"The economy added 263K jobs in November. And wages continue to go up, with lower-paid workers experiencing the fastest wage growth through the pandemic recession and recovery.
See our full analysis by @DeanBaker13 " (Posts by @ceprdc on twitter)
US Job Openings Plummet- What Does It Mean for Bitcoin?
#USunemployment #BitcoinNews #JobOpenings #SPX500/USD #Markets #USJobs
#USunemployment #bitcoinnews #JobOpenings #SPX500 #markets #USJobs