Hi I'm a 30-something #identityLeftist and in late 2020 learned the word '#coup'.
Do I get a gold star, mommy?
#ILearnedANewWord #doIGetAGoldStar #USLedCoup #USCoup #colourRevolution #weaponsSales #cia #USInterference #rightwingExtremists #corporateMedia #darkMoney #Australia #Bolivia #Libya #Chile #Guatemala #howManyCoupsHaveWeMissed
#identityLeftist #coup #ILearnedANewWord #doIGetAGoldStar #USLedCoup #USCoup #colourRevolution #weaponssales #cia #USInterference #rightwingExtremists #corporatemedia #darkmoney #australia #bolivia #libya #chile #guatemala #howManyCoupsHaveWeMissed
We're unsure that #Trump had much to do with that statistic, but he sure hasn't helped the situation.
BTW the so-called data the #securityState used to oust the president of #Bolivia was reportedly "flawed". It came out last week while everybody is focused on #coronavirus and the #protests (as important as they are).
#evoMorales #exiled #USLedCoup #lithium #flawedIntelligence #flawedData #peopleForget #shortMemories #democracy #antidemocraticUS #riggedPrimaries
#trump #securitystate #bolivia #coronavirus #protests #EvoMorales #exiled #USLedCoup #lithium #flawedIntelligence #flawedData #peopleForget #shortMemories #democracy #antidemocraticUS #riggedprimaries