RT @ZazaFL: At our peace vigil at Shannon today, there was a US military plane at the airport so we asked the Gardaí to search it. We were given a "Request to search military plane at Shannon Airport" form (lol) which will be passed on to the higher ups and ignored
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1579229030473433088
All power to #VeteransForPeace Ken & Tarak as they go to Dublin Circuit Criminal Court Court today. On trial for a heroic act of resistance to presence of US war machine in Shannon Airport... Solidarity & support! Voices for peace will not be silenced.
RT @PANAIreland: Two US anti-war activists Ken Mayers (85) and Tarak Kauff (80) are facing trial shortly for heroically resisting US military use of Shan…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ClareDalyMEP/status/1518516570946953216
#VeteransForPeace #USMilitaryOutOfShannon
RT @shannonwatch: The trial of peace activists Kenneth Mayers & Tarak Kauff is starting in Dublin next week. In Mar 2019 they attempted to search an aircraft associated with the US military at @ShannonAirport. Help us support them now! @VFPNational https://www.shannonwatch.org/content/planning-and-support-trial-peace-activists-kenneth-mayers-and-tarak-kauff #USMilitaryOutOfShannon