The package of devastating pension cuts imposed on university staff last year are on track to be revoked, with benefits restored 'in full'.
In a new joint statement UUK and UCU confirmed that, pending a successful 2023 valuation and the green light from ordinary scheme members, the accrual rate and salary threshold at which defined benefits build up will both be returned to pre-cut levels.
#ucu #ucurising #USS #pensions
The latest monitoring report from the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) trustee shows the cost of restoring benefits is estimated as just 21.8% of salary with the scheme showing a £7.6bn surplus.
The report is the latest confirmation that benefits are set to be restored after UCU members voted last month to overwhelmingly accept employer commitments to prioritise pension restoration.
#ucurising #ucu #highereducation #USS
Important update about the crowdfunded case against #USS directors (sorry it only appears to be on the Birdsite):
If you haven't already donate, please consider doing so:
Sharing this for UK #HigherEducation pals here ... a useful assessment of what's wrong with the 'restore #USS' factional position in our current industrial dispute. #ucuRISING #pension
#highereducation #USS #UCUrising #pension
Why have I been striking? I am lucky to have been on a permanent contract since 2020, but I oppose the huge use of fixed term contracts. Everyone should be as ‘lucky’. I am also disgusted by the mismanagement of the #USS pension plan, with 35% average cuts to pension value based on market value when markets crashed in March 2020 and assumption of 0% growth. Real terms pay cut of 25% is also no fun, nor are pay inequalities. If we accept this here it will be common practice everywhere #ucuRISING
RT @JosephineCumbo: UCU gen secretary Jo Grady, said the #USS was "going from strength to strength and there remained no credible reason why benefits should not be restored".
‘It is a disgrace that dedicated university staff have been forced to take industrial action to win their pensions back."
RT @JosephineCumbo: NEW: The #USS said that a deficit (£14bn) identified in the 2020 valuation, had been "eliminated" as of the end of August with the scheme showing a £5.6bn surplus.
The controversial 2020 scheme valuation led to a range of benefit cuts for tens of thousands of #USS members.
RT @JosephineCumbo
NEW: Striking UK university staff have called for the reversal of cuts to their #USS pensions after new data showed the retirement scheme had moved to a £5 billion funding surplus.
More follows:
UK university lecturers' and other university workers' pay has been progressively cut by 25% in real terms since 2009, and our #USS pensions have been degraded by ridiculously pessimistic valuations that have turned out to be hugely wrong. Yet UK universities have a massive surplus that could easily cover the #UCU pay claim, so why are they making us have to #strike AGAIN? This shouldn't have to happen.
Four days remaining to fund two plucky academics to take their legal case to reverse the cuts to the #USS pension scheme to the court of appeal. If you’re a scheme member, it’d be worth backing them.