Opinion: Zelenskyy and Biden stand united against Russia
#USmidtermelections2022 #WARINUKRAINE
Opinion: Zelenskyy and Biden stand united against Russia
#USmidtermelections2022 #WARINUKRAINE
Il procuratore generale degli Stati Uniti nomina un consulente speciale nelle indagini di Trump DoJ - in diretta
#18Novembre #USpolitics #January6hearings #USnews #Republicans #Democrats #HouseofRepresentatives #USmidtermelections2022 #USSenate https://parliamodi.news/detail/2275.html
#ussenate #USmidtermelections2022 #houseofrepresentatives #democrats #republicans #usnews #January6Hearings #uspolitics #18novembre
For those who voted in the #USMidtermElections2022, I don't necessarily discourage it. I voted. But we must acknowledge that voting is not enough. We are given a limited and unhelpful (to put it mildly) set of realistic choices, with a #Vote that gets thrown in with millions of not discarded outright, for people to govern us, once every two years. There's not a lot that can be accomplished through #electoralism--not nothing, but not much.
#DirectAction. That's the way to change systems. For #ClimateJustice and #Ecosocialism, examples include starting and helping out in #CommunityGardening projects, collecting materials that would have gone to waste and turning them into useful things (ie making woven #Plarn or paper clay containers and furniture from used plastic and paper bags), #SeedBombing empty lots with native, edible, and #PollinatorFriendly plants, carpooling or riding public transit, and even blocking, obstructing, or sabotaging fossil fuel and deforestation infrastructure (don't get caught, though). The #Solarpunk community is generating, spreading, and acting on many such ideas.
We will also need to support direct action through research on critical issues and effective actions, communication (including through the arts) to spread our ideas and share our methods, and living our lives in #prefigurative ways for a better world.
For decades, the capitalist state has known about #EcologicalBreakdown, has faced public demand to stop it, and has done next to nothing. They're not going to start now. It's on us to stop ecological destruction from reaching its worst outcomes, and it's on us to build the structures we need to survive and adapt on this planet as it does face crisis and harm. Capitalism, hierarchy, and the state don't have a place in a #Sustainable future, anyway.
#USmidtermelections2022 #vote #electoralism #DirectAction #ClimateJustice #ecosocialism #CommunityGardening #Plarn #seedbombing #PollinatorFriendly #solarpunk #prefigurative #EcologicalBreakdown #sustainable
Elezioni di medio termine negli Stati Uniti 2022: "L'ondata rossa gigante non si è verificata", afferma Biden mentre la corsa al Senato rimane serrata - in diretta #09Novembre #USmidtermelections2022 #USnews #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #Republicans #Democrats https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3VzLW5ld3MvbGl2ZS8yMDIyL25vdi8wOS9taWR0ZXJtLWVsZWN0aW9ucy0yMDIyLXJlc3VsdHMtc2VuYXRlLWhvdXNlLXVzLWRlbW9jcmF0cy1yZXB1YmxpY2Fucy1saXZlLXVwZGF0ZXMtbGF0ZXN0LW5ld3M=.html
#democrats #republicans #donaldtrump #joebiden #usnews #USmidtermelections2022 #09Novembre
It was a red wave. Lots of reds waved goodbye to their seats
#Red_Wave_22 #USMidtermElections2022
#Red_Wave_22 #USmidtermelections2022
Midterm election: How did 2020 US election deniers perform?
#News #Fediverse #midtermelection #USmidtermelections2022 #UnitedStatesofAmerica #Donald
#donald #unitedstatesofamerica #USmidtermelections2022 #midtermelection #Fediverse #news
Vaguely encourging results from the #USmidtermelections2022 ...a few knuckleheads gone - dems might hold the senate but house looks tough
Interesting for a huge win from DeSantis in florida - might make the orange menace think twice about his 15/11/2022 announcement
Early numbers suggest Trump is a burden on the ballot #USMidtermElections2022
Het feit dat Fetterman al gewonnen heeft in Pennsylvania maakt met zo gelukkig! #USmidtermelections2022 #Fetterman
#USmidtermelections2022 #Fetterman
US midterm election: Voters head to polls — LIVE
#News #Fediverse #UnitedStatesofAmerica #USmidtermelections2022 #JoeBiden #RepublicanParty #DemocraticParty #US
#us #democraticparty #republicanparty #joebiden #USmidtermelections2022 #unitedstatesofamerica #Fediverse #news
I #voted turnout seemed reasonably good at my polling place, but not "we ran out of I Voted stickers" good
#voted #USmidtermelections2022
People in MA please VOTE blue today! I know we're a bit lulled here and relatively insulated from the insanity in the rest of the country, but a nazi nutjob backed by the orange maggot is dangerously close to the governor's office! #VoteBlue #USMidtermElections2022
#voteblue #USmidtermelections2022
US midterms: 5 key House, Senate and gubernatorial races
#News #Fediverse #USmidtermelections2022 #UnitedStates #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump
#donaldtrump #joebiden #unitedstates #USmidtermelections2022 #Fediverse #news
US midterm election: Biden, Trump take center stage on eve of vote
#News #Fediverse #USmidtermelections2022 #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #UnitedSta
#UnitedSta #donaldtrump #joebiden #USmidtermelections2022 #Fediverse #news
Senate Predictions:
Dems Hold:
- AZ/Kelly
- NV/Cortez Masto
- NH/Hassan
- GA/Warnock
Dem Pick-Ups
- PA/Fetterman
- WI/Barnes
- Ryan/OH
Dem Possibility
- NC/Beasley
Indie Possibility
- McMullin/UT
#usmidterms #USmidtermelections2022
My online favourites for US election tracking are:
DecisionDeskHQ - typically among the fastest with results across the country.
NY Times - also reasonably fast.
Dave Wasserman - consistent predictor on key races.
#usmidterms #USmidtermelections2022
Is this the key underlying issue in Tuesday’s voting 👇
Dems have substantial early vote advantage over Republicans. Any “red wave” has got to land on Tuesday and it needs to be massive to overcome the Dems buffer.
#usmidterms #USmidtermelections2022
#usmidterms #USmidtermelections2022
And now Musk’s true intentions revealed. To screw with the US midterms like it’s also his own plaything.
He really is too much.