Natural disease prevention: 4 #Herbal #remedies for #UTIs
RT @KTsilimekis: "Urinary tract infections are increasingly becoming resistant to first-line antibiotics"
Antibiotic resistance (#AMR): "the use and misuse of #antibiotics in #humans and #livestock have accelerated it."
Huge problem: "because #UTIs are so common."
#AMR #antibiotics #humans #livestock #UTIs
UTI remedies!
UTI, or urinary tract infection, is a bacterial infection known to be very common. Unfortunately, UTIs can lead to many major issues. It’s important to know what causes UTIs & how to address them to keep the infection from spreading.
What causes UTIs?
— Differences in anatomy or physical abnormalities
— Use of birth control
— Menopause
— Compromised immune system
— Use of a catheter or medical procedures including surgery
Swipe to learn about the remedies for UTIs you may have hiding in your pantry!
Want to learn more about what causes UTIs & how to treat them? Go to & search “UTI” or click on the link in our bio!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #UTIs
#UTIs #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic
UTI remedies!
UTI, or urinary tract infection, is a bacterial infection known to be very common. Unfortunately, UTIs can lead to many major issues. It’s important to know what causes UTIs & how to address them to keep the infection from spreading.
What causes UTIs?
— Differences in anatomy or physical abnormalities
— Use of birth control
— Menopause
— Compromised immune system
— Use of a catheter or medical procedures including surgery
Swipe to learn about the remedies for UTIs you may have hiding in your pantry!
Want to learn more about what causes UTIs & how to treat them? Go to & search “UTI” or click on the link in our bio!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #UTIs
#UTIs #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic
Drink #CornSilk tea to treat #UTIs
Did you know that the #superfood #aspargus can help prevent #UTIs?
#Cranberrycapsules are better for #UTIs than plain #cranberryjuice, advice experts
#cranberryjuice #UTIs #Cranberrycapsules
Did you know that the #superfood #aspargus can help prevent #UTIs?