Kyle Stewart · @KyleStewart
71 followers · 1 posts · Server

I'm a UX researcher | designer | manager | strategist in the education and library space.

I'm here to have meaningful interactions and chew gum, and I'm all out of gum.




#introduction #ux #userresearch #uxdesign #a11y #library #Education #philosophy #history #Politics #law #anthropology #psychology #UUA #tabletopgames #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Dan Harper · @danlharp
91 followers · 429 posts · Server

Time to start thinking about General Assembly . Attend in person? Attend online? Host a local watch party to watch online? Ignore completely?

I'm still fairly COVID-cautious, so I'm thinking watch online, maybe do the local watch party thing. (...maybe even ignore, feeling a bit battered by politics...)

If this post reaches any other people, curious to know which direction you're leaning....

#UnitarianUniversalist #UUA #uuaga2023

Last updated 2 years ago