Yesterday, I defended my dissertation. Today, we discuss edits and then I go on a much-deserved vacation.

And do job search stuff.

#phdone #dissertation #dissertationdefense #UWiSchool #UWDUB #gradschool

Last updated 1 year ago

Got a 6-10yo future designer?

KidsTeam UW will have a full-day summer program from July 24 – 28, 2023, and 2x a week meetups after school on Tu/Th. We are especially interested in working with BIPOC & girls.

KidsTeam UW is fully hybrid now!

#codesign #kidsteam #kidsteamuw #Seattle #UW #uwseattle #UWiSchool #participatorydesign #HCI #DesignResearch

Last updated 2 years ago

grades submitted for Autumn 2022!

I am freeeeee! (For a few days until I return to prep for Winter special topics... updating my Learning Theories for Informatics with feedback from last year.)

#informatics #researchmethods #UWiSchool #teaching #higheredteaching #edutooters

Last updated 2 years ago

Last of the groups did their research proposal presentations yesterday, so now we just wait for the final papers to come in. I'm seeing a lot of good ideas, questions, and reflections.

(But also that some people did not review the presentation tips slides... font sizes + contast, folks!)

And I can rest my sprained ankle by not going in to campus for a bit.

#researchmethods #teaching #informatics #UWiSchool

Last updated 2 years ago

Definitely adjusting Wednesday's lecture. It's about doing online, scaling, recruitment, A/B testing, and so on, but definitely going to get into current events a bit with the whole hubbub that's currently happening.

#researchmethods #research #onlinecommunities #socialmedia #informatics #UWiSchool #UWINFO

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyle Thayer · @kylethayer
107 followers · 135 posts · Server

: I'm an assistant teaching professor at the . I teach .

I'm creating a class and online textbook: Social Media, Ethics, and Automation. Students learn social media phenomena (e.g., viral memes, parasocial relationships, harassment campaigns), experiment with computer programs (e.g., bots, data mining programs, recommendation algorithms), and apply ethics frameworks (e.g., Taoism, virtue ethics, Ubuntu ethics).


#introduction #UWiSchool #programming #UW #CSEd #CSEducation #techethics

Last updated 2 years ago