#119- It’s Not Research, It’s You! A podcast (hosted by Userinterviews) where Holly Hester-Reilly dives into bad research practices, decision-driven research, finding the right research method, and more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72b3J6H9dS4
#308 Systems thinking with Sheryl Cababa
What is systems thinking and how can designers make use of it in their work? In her book, Closing the loop, Sheryl lays out her answer and approach to this question. In this episode we talk to her and discuss some of the core definitions and concepts.
#ux #uxpodcast #podcast #interview #systemsthinking #closingtheloop
#ux #UXPodcast #podcast #interview #systemsthinking #ClosingTheLoop
Episode 307: Policy and design with Alex Schmidt
In this conversation with Alex, author of "Deliberate Intervention", we discuss “policy” in relation to digital design and tech.
We discuss how even though designers intend to do good and have a positive impact, harm can still happen as a result of our designs.
#ux #UXPodcast #podcast #policy #policymakers #designers
Episode 306: Human centred design with Alastair Somerville https://uxpodcast.com/306-human-centred-design-alastair-somerville/
This is a classic UXP interview that we originally recorded back at EuroIA in 2018 - but it's timeless. Alastair never fails to make you think and contemplate how you approach your work.
#UXPodcast #ux #podcast #humancentred
#304 Building a content strategy practice with Natalie Marie Dunbar
We chat to Natalie about her content strategy practice blueprint and how it can help you when building a practice - which is the core of her book From Solo to Scaled
A #UX #IxD #design #product #FollowFriday
@mralancooper, our good design ancestor
@axbom, whose #UXpodcast keeps bringing on a wealth of knowledge
@cydharrel@mastodon.social & @danachis for the daily #civics lesson
@Meyerweb added Mastodon to his digital identity archipelago
@jina has made #designSystems approachable
@jarango took #informationArchitecture polar bear book even further
@funnygodmother designs for fun, from muppets to #videogames
@albertocairo won’t let anyone lie to you face with charts
#ixd #design #product #followfriday #UXPodcast #civics #designsystems #informationarchitecture #videogames #ux
Episode 303: Metacognition with @smfleming https://uxpodcast.com/303-metacognition-steve-fleming/
We take a dive into neuroscience and metacognition. Thinking about thinking and thinking about other minds.
#ux #UXPodcast #neuroscience #metacognition