Our post event report on #UbuconAsia 2022 now available on our website. It contains almost every details on how we organized the 2022 event: From venue, budget, program, catering, travel support and more.
휴... 드디어 #UbuconAsia 2022 정산이랑 자체 보고서 작성까지 다 끝났다... https://2022.ubucon.asia/news/2023-02-04-post-event-report/
Most recordings for #UbuconAsia 2022 are now available! - Including the keynote by
@eslerm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz6_14rT72Q
#UbuconAsia 2022 Video for Sangwan Jeon's talk on Freeradius, ARP and more now available on YouTube and PeerTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHnKolKe9EA
Video for #UbuconAsia #MAAS workshop now available on YouTube and PeerTube!
We just published video recording for @seongsoocho's #UbuconAsia talk! Have a look if you missed his session!
Video and Slides for Dongha Park's workshop on #UbuconAsia 2022 now available! Have a look :) https://2022.ubucon.asia/sessions/support-package-as-vcpkg-in-linux/
Video and Slides for Ravi Bhattarai's talk at #UbuconAsia 2022 now available :) https://2022.ubucon.asia/sessions/laptop-2-library-using-low-end-old-laptop-as-digital-library-in-remote-villages-in-nepal-using-base-ubuntu/
Sorry, folks! We're actually few days late, But #UbuconAsia 2023 #UCA23 Call for hosts is now open. Please find details and instructions on this Ubuntu Discourse thread. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubucon-asia-2023-call-for-hosts/32904
올해 @UbuConAsia 2022 에서 #비자 지원을 어떻게 했는지 글로 정리 해 봤습니다.
결론부터 말하자면... 서류작업 주구장창 하고, 행사 몇일 전에는 일부 발표자 분들 비자 재때 나오나 조마조마 기다리면서 새벽까지 피말리는 날의 연속 이였다고 할 수 있을 것 같네요.
로컬 팀에 인원이 적다 보니, 별 수 없이 비자를 저 혼자 다 처리 하긴 했는데, 팀에 인원 많다면 여러명에서 하거나, 자금 좀 많이 있다면 여행사에 위탁 하는게 속 편할 것 같다는 생각입니다. #UbuconAsia
While @UbuntuKrOrg working with post UbuCon stuff, We're now looking for local team interested to host #UbuconAsia 2023! See this discourse topic to learn more. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubucon-asia-2023-looking-for-interested-local-team/32781
Another #UbuconAsia 2022 report from our volunteer. (This post is written in Korean) https://velog.io/@littleduck/UbuCon-Asia-2022
Estamos de volta com o episódio 225 - Autopinheiro:
Conversamos de novo sobre interruptores inteligentes e domótica 😋, mas também sobre snaps do microceph e microcloud, dos @PINE64 PineBuds Pro, #email, ainda de vídeos da #UbuntuSummit e da #UbuconAsia, futuro dos snaps.
#homeautomation #homeassistant #zigbee #cloud #Ceph #lxd #Snapcraft #Ubuntu #Podcast #PodcastsOfUbuntu
#email #UbuntuSummit #UbuconAsia #homeautomation #homeassistant #zigbee #cloud #ceph #lxd #snapcraft #ubuntu #podcast #podcastsofubuntu
Just published another new #UbuconAsia video recording! Check it out!
[ko-KR] Integrated system monitoring with Elastic Observability - Jongmin Kim
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4uWhLiIZZ8
PeerTube https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/rXgFkVSTDwHETEzGchVAUL
Session info https://2022.ubucon.asia/sessions/elastic/
New #UbuconAsia #Video recording available XD
#ONLYOFFICE: Paperwork automation and smart collaboration on Ubuntu
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUGjjVm5-TQ
PeerTube https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/8kkEdPY7RuGmi9a4ZYUJUn
Session info https://2022.ubucon.asia/sessions/onlyoffice/
#UbuconAsia #video #onlyoffice
New #UbuconAsia #video recording published!
Turning Your Unused TV's Set Top Box Into A Home Server (with Ubuntu Server) - Akmal Pratama
YouTube https://youtu.be/Sdnz8J0Wz64
PeerTube https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/bnAFmRUDnfeCkVpEyrffX4
Session info https://2022.ubucon.asia/sessions/turning-your-unused-tv-set-top-box-into-a-home-server/
We're slowly working with #video recordings of #UbuconAsia 2022. Vidoes will be published on our #YouTube and #PeerTube(linuxrocks)
Video on "Install Windows and WSL on LXD/VM - Mitsuya Shibata" is now available, Other videos will be also published later
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm8UwBHIEQM
PeerTube https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/gdQHub9RexjCTsyHL7i2eG
Website (Find video, slide, session info in single place) https://2022.ubucon.asia/sessions/install-windows-and-wsl-on-lxd-vm/
#video #UbuconAsia #youtube #peertube
Já saiu o Ep 224, onde conversámos sobre Interruptores inteligentes, da @UbuConAsia, webinars da ANPRI e de #MaisJoanas, dos streamings do para o #AdventOfCode, novidades do @xubuntu para o #LunarLobster, snaps do #Workshops #MicroCeph e #MicroCloud.
#podcastsofubuntu #maisjoanas #adventofcode #LunarLobster #workshops #microceph #microcloud #ubuntu #UbuconAsia #snapcraft #lxd
Awesome #UbuconAsia report from Naruhiko Ogasawara! https://gihyo.jp/admin/serial/01/ubuntu-recipe/0741
Thanks for the great #UbuconAsia report @markesler! https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubucon-asia-2022-report/32639