digiprax · @digiprax
1 followers · 11 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Da ging die parallele Ubuntu-Installation mal so richtig schief. Gut, dass ich das nicht auf dem Produktivsystem versucht habe... Habe ich doch nicht, oder?



Ich brauche jetzt eine Tüte Mitleid für die eigene Dusseligkeit...

#windows #linux #Ubuntu2204LTS

Last updated 1 year ago

Tucker Carlson's Nuts · @jstatepost
1201 followers · 1738 posts · Server mstdn.social

🥥 The answer was at this link, Papa.
Installing and enabling as the session manager instantly restored sound in . Thank YOU for your input!
PS: This may not work for everyone, but it DID work for me.🥥

#Ubuntu2204LTS #Audio #wireplumber

Last updated 1 year ago

alfonsojc · @alfonsojc
3 followers · 10 posts · Server mastodon.world

Para el de @podcastlinux os traigo una historia de literal. Esta semana encontré una torre PC junto a la basura, sólo le faltaba el disco. Después de darle un limpiado y ponerle un HDD que tenía en un cajón, este vetusto i3 se ha convertido en una máquina totalmente funcional a la que le espera un nuevo uso gracias a . Os comparto el donde si os fijáis tiene hasta una disquetera de 3.5!!

#viernesdeescritorio #trashware #Ubuntu2204LTS #escritoriognulinux #softwarelibre

Last updated 2 years ago

So I ended up putting my primary laptop's old 500GB SSD drive into my other laptop that had a 500GB HDD. Before that, I wanted to update everything and make sure there were no issues before the swap. This laptop is a dual boot with and .

I haven't really used it in a long time (at least 1 year or more) and both OSes were way behind with updates. Windows took over a day to download and install all the updates. I then decided to upgrade my to .

First, I had to upgrade to . Everything went pretty smoothly. I just couldn't download via CLI. It kept saying "packages not found." I was able to use the updater via the GUI, however.

So after that, the old SSD from the primary laptop is in and there is of course a nice performance boost. Windows still isn't great since it only has the stock 4GB of RAM, unlike my primary that I boosted up to 12GB of RAM, but it's plenty for Ubuntu. I'll probably keep that as my main Linux system/backup for if the primary laptop goes out on me.

#windows10 #ubuntu #Ubuntu1804LTS #bionicbeaver #Ubuntu2204LTS #JammyJellyfish #Ubuntu2004LTS #focalfossa

Last updated 2 years ago

Lord Daniel Salem · @LDSalemLinux
1 followers · 8 posts · Server mastodon.social

Tutorial – Como fazer Upgrade para o Linux Mint 21.1 (Vera) Edição Cinnamon

Nesse vídeo eu ensino como atualizar o sistema operacional Linux Mint da versão 21 para versão 21.1 na minha máquina principal.


Ou Digite no YouTube: lord daniel salem

#tutorial #linuxmintupgrade #linuxmint211 #linuxmintvera #LinuxMint21 #linuxmint #ubuntu #Ubuntu2204LTS #linuxmintcinnamon #dell #DellInspiron #linux

Last updated 2 years ago

Lord Daniel Salem · @LDSalemLinux
1 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.social

Remeber when was the most hated Linux distribution?

Its now tied with Ubuntu for me. Actually all Linux distributions suck. Shit at this rate I might become an Arch user or something.

tip. If you're starting out fresh, learning , save yourself some frustration and AVOID . is horribly un-configured.

If you insist on or "have to" use stick to 20 LTS for now. It actually works for containerd.

If like me, you insist on using 22 because you dont want to reinstall an entire OS yet again, here are the solutions.



#redhat #kubernetes #k8s #Ubuntu2204LTS #containerd #ubuntu

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11276 followers · 97987 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11288 followers · 97991 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11288 followers · 97991 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11299 followers · 97991 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11317 followers · 97999 posts · Server aspiechattr.me