Since I failed writing #SEO ( It was a long form nightmare) for a client years, I now cringe😬 whenever a #job posting requires SEO knowledge. My only #copywriting experience is writing #commercials for radio. Now I am taking a #Udemy course about SEO for #copywriters. Hopefully, my #ADHD doesn't show up here, causing me to lose interest in it.
#seo #job #copywriting #commercials #Udemy #copywriters #adhd
Learn JavaScript: We’ve rounded up 8 online courses that provide step-by-step instruction to get you started #JavaScript #languages #career #OnlineLearning #Coursera #Codecademy #Udemy #freeCodeCamp #LinkedIn
#LinkedIn #freeCodeCamp #Udemy #Codecademy #Coursera #OnlineLearning #career #languages #JavaScript
La traduction automatique, c'est le mal. J'en ai un petit exemple ci-dessous 😅
Pour info, en anglais, c'est:
I don't need to open a port but I need bash
C'est beau les cours sur #Udemy (d'ailleurs, y'a une grosse promo, c'est le moment de prendre quelques formations).
Pour info, c'est sur ce cours (qui pour le moment, est vraiment pas mal)