Programmtipps für heute:
Auf Deutschlandfunk Kultur wird um 12.30 Uhr die Reportage 'Ein Mensch ist keine Akte – Gesetzliche #Betreuung in Deutschlan'd' ausgestrahlt
und um 14.05 Uhr geht es in der Sendung 'Religionen' unter anderem um queere Geflüchtete aus #Uganda in #Kenia
Guten Empang wünscht
#Betreuung #Uganda #Kenia #lgtbq #queer #menschenrechte #respekt #religion
heute lohnt es sich aus unserer Sicht sehr, abends Deutschlandfunk Kultur zu hören:
Ab 18.30 Uhr gibt es in der Sendereihe Weltzeit eine Sendung zum #LGTBQ-Gesetz in #Uganda
und ab 19.05 Uhr Beiträge zum Umgang mit der #Klimakrise, etwa 'Diagnose Klimawandel: Wie die ökologische Krise unsere Gesundheit bedroht'.
Guten Empfang wünscht
#lgtbq #Uganda #klimakrise #klimawandel #gesundheit #Hotspot #tigermucke
RT Claudio Francavilla
#Uganda: @TotalEnergies #EACOP pipeline project has devastating impact on the livelihoods of thousands displaced, huge environmental risks
People should be properly compensated, and the project should not be supported nor completed
New @hrw report:
#Uganda: #Islamisten massakrieren christliche Schüler
Die islamistische Terrormiliz "ADF" hat am vergangenen Freitag eine christliche Schule im Südwesten des Landes überfallen, Dutzende Kinder ermordet und 15 weitere entführt.
This is quite something: #Uganda, who have some airforce units for training in St. Petersburg, have offered to support #Putin against Wagner.
RT Josep Borrell Fontelles
The EU condemns the appalling attack on a school in Western Ugandan last night.
This terrorist violence targeting children is beyond comprehension.
We are in full solidarity with the people of #Uganda.
Our thoughts & prayers are with the families of the victims of the barbaric attack in #Uganda! Strongly condem such an act! Security must be a priority in EU-Africa cooperation. Address activities of extremist groups is a prerequisite for #development.
Ugandas Präsident unterschreibt Gesetz gegen Homosexualität. Mariel Reiss von @amnesty_digital_de und @zfk_mr kommentiert bei der Deutschen Welle die aktuellen Entwicklungen. #Uganda #LGBTIQ
Zahlreiche Länder kriminalisieren vorehelichen Sex, in #Uganda droht #LGBTIQ-Personen sogar die Todesstrafe. Was das bedeutet, erklärt Mariel Reiss von @amnesty_digital_de und @zfk_mr in 55 Countries – Der #Afrika-#Podcast
#Uganda #lgbtiq #Afrika #podcast
The appalling Anti-Homosexuality Act, recently signed into law by the President of #Uganda, represents an unacceptable & flagrant violation of human rights & fundamental freedoms.
In my letter to @JosepBorrellF I call on the 🇪🇺 to act decisively👇
"American conservative Christian groups with records of fighting LGBTQ rights have poured millions of dollars into African countries, according to a 2020 report. Some American evangelicals have been known to encourage anti-LGBTQ legislation in countries such as #Uganda"
The signing into law of the Anti-Homosexuality Act by the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is deplorable.
This law is contrary to international human rights law and to Uganda’s obligations under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.
RT @eu_eeas: Uganda: Statement by the High Representative @JosepBorrellF on the promulgation of the Anti-Homosexuality bill.
@RobertaMetsola on #Uganda anti gay laws: love is love. Love wins in the end.
I joined @europarl_en to discuss our concerns for LGBTIQ equality esp in #Uganda.
#LGBTIQStrategy leads the call for equality around the world by:
➡️promoting dialogue
➡️supporting human rights defenders
➡️funding grassroots LGBTIQ CSOs
#Uganda #LGBTIQStrategy #WorldOfEquality
RT @JosepBorrellF: The signing into law of the Anti-Homosexuality Act by the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is deplorable.
This law is contrary to international human rights law and to Uganda’s obligations under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.
RT @JosepBorrellF: The signing into law of the Anti-Homosexuality Act by the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is deplorable.
This law is contrary to international human rights law and to Uganda’s obligations under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.
RT @JosepBorrellF: The signing into law of the Anti-Homosexuality Act by the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is deplorable.
This law is contrary to international human rights law and to Uganda’s obligations under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights.
Deeply appalling that #Uganda has definitively adopted extreme anti-LGBTIQ+ legislation. This will have consequences for our cooperation: The Netherlands will, at the very least, cease participation in law enforcement programs. 1/2
RT @guardian: Ugandan president signs anti-LGBTQ+ law with death penalty for same-sex acts
#Malnutrition can have devastating and long-term impacts on children's development.
IRC is warning about the dire consequences of acute malnutrition on women and children in #Uganda's refugee settlements. 👇