لائحة ببعض المفردات الأوغارتية، إذا تعرف العربية ستتعرف على معظمها
A list of Ugaritic vocabulary, if you know Arabic you will recognize most of them
#semitic #arabic #linguistics #vocabulary #Ugaritic
I want to make a keyboard layout for #Phoenecian and #Ugaritic for #GNOME. #linguistics
#Phoenecian #Ugaritic #gnome #linguistics
#Ugaritic phrase of the day:
tủnt šmm ʕm ảrṣ ("whisper of the heavens to the earth").
#Ugaritic word of the day:
Mšṣủ ("someone that leads something out", said specifically of calling forth the smoky spirits of the dead).
#Ugaritic word of the day:
Glṯ, meaning some kind of cold or wet meteorological phenomenon. Maybe "storm", "flood" or "wave" or, according to some, "snow" (with metathesis from *ṯlg). Anyway, Baal is said to send this in the Baal Cycle at a special "appointed time"!