#Ukr: SZ: “Das Weiße Haus hat sich in ungewohnter Schärfe im Kanzleramt gemeldet: Washington ist offenbar besonders verärgert …”Wehe, wenn Dt. mal Hilfe braucht
«Я приветствую продление Черноморской зерновой инициативы.
Учитывая, что в рамках этой инициативы из🇺🇦 уже экспортировано 10 млн тонн зерна, это хорошая новость для мира, которому крайне нужен доступ к зерну и удобрениям.
Я высоко ценю неустанные усилия @UN и @antonioguterres».
RT @CharlesMichel: I welcome the extension of Black Sea Grain Initiative.
With 10 million tonnes of grain already exported under this initiative from #Ukr…
RT @MAStrackZi: Angekommen in #Kyjiw. Vor Ort zu sein, mir von Lage & Bedarf Eindruck zu verschaffen & neben Politik & Regierung insbesondere mit aktiven Soldatinnen und Soldaten zu sprechen, ist mir in der aktuellen Situation ein wichtiges Anliegen. Deutschland muss Unterstützung erhöhen. #UKR
See also our easy-to-use overview table of how 9 EU countries, including #Romania, implement the EU's #Temporary Protection Directive to cover people that fled #Ukraine.
Check it out:
RT @EUHomeAffairs: It took Anastasiia & Yelyzaveta about 2 hours to register for EU #TemporaryProtection
Before fleeing #Ukr…
#Romania #temporary #Ukraine #temporaryprotection #Ukr
A key-read for all our stakeholders!
Don't miss the #AsylumReport2022 just published by our sister-agency @EUAsylumAgency
#EUAgencies are #StrongerTogether for #ASaferEurope
RT @EUAsylumAgency: A modern and protective Common EU #Asylum System is within reach!
We just published our #AsylumReport2022 at 🌐
Learn how recent events e.g. #Ukr…
#AsylumReport2022 #EUAgencies #StrongerTogether #ASaferEurope #asylum #Ukr
#Slovak PM calls for a security guarantor for Ukraine #grain exports. EU should push hard for this proposal while also trying to offer other export routes for #UKR.
RT @bueti: #Moscow has admitted it is deliberately blocking cereal shipments from #UKR to pressure the West. Verbatim: “We have repeatedly spoken out on this subject that solving the #food problem requires a comprehensive approach,” Dpty FM Rudenko told Tass. (Politico)
Where can I get me some of those strides that make me look like an old English sheepdog
🇪🇺🇩🇪 Die EU-Kommission genehmigt eine deutsche Rahmenregelung, um Unternehmen in #Deutschland angesichts von Putins Krieg in der #Ukraine wirtschaftlich zu unterstützen. Die Unterstützungsmaßnahme hat ein Budget von rund 11 Mrd. Euro. #StandWithUkraine
RT @EU_Competition: #EUStateAid #StandWithUkraine Commission 🇪🇺 approves German 🇩🇪umbrella scheme to support companies in context of Russia's invasion of #Ukr…
#Deutschland #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #EUStateAid #Ukr
Speaker of the #Slovak Parliament Boris Kollár: "The aim of the #RUS invasion of #UKR is to turn world order into chaos, on the fringe of which #Orban would split #Slovakia."
I am so tired of shameless populist nationalist politicians such as #Putin, #Orban and #Kollar.
#Slovak #RUS #Ukr #Orban #Slovakia #Putin #Kollar
This is why I am joining TODAY’s trade union demo in London in #solidarity with #Ukraine Listen to the voices of young Ukrainian women & pick a side #NoWarInUkraine #StopPutinNOW
RT @UkraineSol: Ukraine's trade unions are backing the demonstration in #SolidarityWithUkraine called by British trade unions in London on 9 April. Please share this video, particularly with Ukrainians in London and nearby.
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukr…
#solidarity #Ukraine #NoWarInUkraine #StopPutinNOW #solidarityWithUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukr
WOW Ukraines beat is awesome, love it! #UKR
#eurovision :ablobcatrave: 🎶 :ablobcatattentionreverse: 🇪🇺
:ablobcatrave: 🇪🇺 🇪🇺 :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat: 🇪🇺