Sebastian Müller · @sbamueller
946 followers · 2550 posts · Server
Sebastian Müller · @sbamueller
947 followers · 2502 posts · Server

Ab 17:00 Demo & Kundgebung der Deutsch-Ukrainischen-Gesellschaft und der CDU, @FreiburgSpd, @GrueneFreiburg, @FDP_Freiburg (nicht !) mit sehr bewegenden Reden von Ukrainern, Georgiern und Wissenschaftlern. Ca 300 Personen.

#linke #freiburg #UkraineResistance #Ukraina #UkraineWar

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
562 followers · 1698 posts · Server

Demilitarization is going splendidly.

For reference, Ukraine was 25th in 2021 with 0.4396 and 22nd in 2022 with 0.3266. It's now 15th with 0.2516.

There's also a handy comparison with Russia, which suggests that Ukraine is being much more efficient with what they have.

#ukraine #russianworld #russianpropaganda #україна #росія #UkraineResistance

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
523 followers · 1292 posts · Server
Neferure · @Neferure
364 followers · 960 posts · Server

Lavrov: Russia is ready for talks on Ukraine if it receives a serious offer.

It remains to be seen what he meant by "absolute legal requirements".

Let's look at the alleged aims of the "special military operation" from the 23rd February 2022, Putin speech.:

• Stop the enlargement of NATO
• Stop Ukraine from being an anti-Russian State.
• To protect Russia and its people.
• Ukrainian troops to "immediately lay down their arms and go home".
• regime change in Kyiv: "We are not carrying out aggression against the Ukrainian people, but against the group that seized power in Kyiv."

As a result of Russian actions, NATO is expanding to include Finland and Sweden; Ukraine is probably more anti-Russian than at any other time; 100,000+ Russian troops have died; Russian speaking cities in Ukraine have been razed; 1000s of Russian-speaking Ukrainians have been killed by Russians; Ukrainian troops don't need to go home as they are at home; the popularity of the democratically elected Ukrainian government has gone up.

So, I think that due to their failure to achieve any of those supposed "aims", Lavrov's offer is empty words designed purely to make it look like Ukraine is refusing to negotiate.

Ukraine's requirements are clear: a total withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine.

#ukraine #russianworld #kyiv #zelenskyy #lavrov #putin #UkraineResistance #UkraineWillWin #russiainvadedukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
364 followers · 959 posts · Server

Zhan Beleniyuk:

Even a year ago, I considered the title of Olympic champion the main victory of my life. Today, like all Ukrainians, I long for one and only victory - victory in the war with Russia.

I urge you to support Ukraine on the sports front! Share your posts with campaign hashtags — , , , . Call for a boycott of Russian and Belarusian sportsmen.

The only achievement of Russians and Belarusians in the international arena should be lifelong shame and exile. Your word will help put down the enemy.

Silence kills!

#boycottrussiansport #turnoffrussia #StandWithUkraine #stopwar #ukraine #UkraineResistance #russiainvadedukraine #UkraineWillWin #belarus #russia #sport #silencekills

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
365 followers · 941 posts · Server

Putin claims the people of Donbas have been ignored for 8 years. I mean, he's right in a way: if something had been done to get Russia out after it invaded in 2014, we most likely wouldn't have the dreadful situation we have in Ukraine today. People in Donetsk and Luhansk were abandoned by the world to a repressive, criminal regime to appease Putin. Yet Putin is still in power ranting about Nazis with no self-awareness.

#ukraine #russianworld #russiantorture #RussiaIsATerroristState #terrorism #dpr #lpr #donbas #donetsk #UkraineResistance #luhansk

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
361 followers · 925 posts · Server

Shaun Pinner, a British immigrant to Ukraine who signed up with the Ukrainian Armed Forces 3 years ago, is allegedly back in Ukraine to be with his wife Larysa. The resident of Mariupol was captured and sentenced to death in Donetsk, before being released following a prisoner exchange in September. While spending 6 months in captivity, he endured torture and starvation at the hands of Russian soldiers and was paraded on propaganda TV.

Aiden Aslan has also reportedly stated that he wishes to return home to Ukraine. Neither man says they want to be active on the frontline this time, perhaps due to injuries sustained, or due to the risk of being a target for Russian special forces, which will put themselves and their comrades at risk.

Last week President Zelenskyy awarded Shaun and Aiden Order of Courage medals.

#UkraineWillWin #ukraine #russiantorture #UkraineResistance #UkraineWillOvercome #mariupol #Azovstal #prisonersofwar #torture #russianworld

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
361 followers · 925 posts · Server

@jayinkyiv for your attached image.

A blue infographic from the Ukrainian airforce. Date: 5.12.22 and time: 16.00 then pictograms of 60 missiles and the text, "ЗНИЩЕНО: понад 60 ракет X-101/X-555, «Калібр», Х-59", which is translated in the main message. There is also the logo of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

#alttext #UkraineWillWin #ukraine #picturedescription #Ukrainianforces #missileattack #UkraineResistance #ukrainianworld

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
361 followers · 920 posts · Server

Photos are emerging of mass executions in Luhansk. I won't post the images, for obvious reasons, but the signs hanging round their necks say "He was passing on information. Death to spies!" in Russian.

#russianworld #luhansk #lpr #RussiaIsATerroristState #russia #ukraine #UkraineResistance

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
354 followers · 909 posts · Server

When we liberate Melitopol, it will not be so far to Crimea.

"The criticality of the situation in which the aggressor will find himself if we liberate Melitopol is difficult to exaggerate. It is not worth describing the clear further development of events with the entry of our troops to the Crimean isthmuses, the liberation of Crimea, the further defeat of the aggressor's troops in the east," said the Major-General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Savchenko.

Going on Ukraine's propensity for saying they will target one place, then attacking another, who knows when this will happen.

#UkraineWillWin #UkraineResistance #Melitopol #crimea #russianworld #russiainvadedukraine #ukraine #Zaporizhzhia #RussiaIsATerroristState #russiandefeat

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
350 followers · 856 posts · Server

Borodyanka: buildings are still uninhabitable 8 months later. Together with power outages, water problems and heating issues, life will be difficult this winter. Even structurally sound buildings do not always have windows.

A child runs in the snow at Pam'yatnyk Tarasovi Shevchenku.

Photo by Metin Aktaş

#UkraineResistance #Borodyanka #UkraineWillWin #russianworld #disappointedshevchenko #kyiv

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
357 followers · 11195 posts · Server

looks determined as Russian invasion continues for a fourth day

"In the months leading up to this invasion many ordinary Ukrainians told us they'd lay down their lives to protect their country… and now it appears they wer...

#resistance #UkraineResistance

Last updated 3 years ago