The #IMF lent money to #Ukraine in 2015 with the assumption that the war in Donbass did not exceed the current level of violence. The war was not over. The US and #Europe just pretended it was not happening:
"Lagarde implied this money is not for continuing the war in the #Donbass, but counts on the February ceasefire becoming a permanent armistice. The EFF loan, she said, 'involves risks, notably those stemming from the conflict in the #east of the country.' "
The #loan was arranged by the IMF only six weeks after the coup against #Yanukovich. Six weeks.
Obs: Reconstruction, war efforts or similar expenses cannot be covered by IMF's loans.
Here the story by a Moscow-based independent correspondent:
#yanukovich #loan #east #donbass #europe #ukraine #HegemonicWarUSA #AgentOfWar #UkraineUS #imf