Couple Microsoft son of a bitch IPs blocked due scanning for non-public resources/POST attempts by the scumbags. #MicroShitters couldn't give a fuck about potential criminals —like them, of course — who continue cyberattacking Russia on behalf of the #Ukro- Zio- Nazi Kiev #terrorist regime headed by puppet #Zionist anteater-nosed avaricious Jew Zelensky who used his mother in law to buy a villa in Egypt next to Angie #Jolie’s
#MicroShitters #Ukro #terrorist #Zionist #Jolie
Another Microsoft son of a bitch IP blocked due scanning for non-published resources which can be compromised by the scumbags. #MicroShitters couldn't give a fuck about potential criminals —like them, of course — who continue cyberattacking Russia on behalf of the #Ukro- Zio- Nazi Kiev #terrorist regime headed by puppet #Zionist anteater-nosed avaricious Jew Zelensky who used his mother in law to buy a villa in Egypt next to Angie #Jolie’s
#MicroShitters #Ukro #terrorist #Zionist #Jolie
"With a #powerful #Russian military fighting alongside #DPR & #LPR forces, the #Ukro- #Nazi #military’s #defeat seems to be imminent unless [a #falseflag op] brings US/NATO in direct confrontation with Russian forces, a scenario Biden has already ruled out. Lobbyists nevertheless persist in their [#FakeNews] campaign to portray the Ukrainian military as underdogs scoring blow after blow against Russian hordes. In doing so, they help extend the war & continue the carnage~
#powerful #Russian #DPR #LPR #Ukro #Nazi #military #defeat #FalseFlag #FakeNews
"Forces of the #DPR, with the support of the #Russian military, destroyed almost all firing points of Ukrainian nationalists [#Ukro- #Nazis] in the suburbs of #Mariupol. Special forces eliminated the main nationalist forces in residential areas in villages around the city, the Russian Defense Ministry said in an emergency statement."
#DPR #Russian #Ukro #Nazis #Mariupol