#Vienna 🇦🇹 around 2004: a #Ukraine 🇺🇦 Railways #Ukrzaliznytsia #УЗ sleeping car is pausing at #Wien #Südbahnhof (Ostseite) yard.
The track layout on my photo no longer is, yet #Ukraine is. And will always be. #WeStandWithUkraine. As long as it takes.
#Vienna #ukraine #Ukrzaliznytsia #уз #wien #sudbahnhof #westandwithukraine
... and the train rolls on. Tim @inversefox is on it.
The Iron Army on the move. #Ukrzaliznytsia @Ukrzaliznytsia
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/MriyaReport/status/1626601395297177600
Epic. The might Welsh baritone of @inversefox changing register on an #Ukrzaliznytsia @Ukrzaliznytsia night train going East ! Week three. It is not easy going OneTake but he does it. Following the Iron Army. More tomorrow on @MriyaReport.
@AKamyshin @AlGGDirect @ViktoriiaUAH
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/BalticSnowTiger/status/1626001754457354241
The Ukrainian railways' hat presented to @BorisJohnson can compete with the Sorting hat in doing magic: #Ukrzaliznytsia received equipment for the rapid restoration of railway bridges from the British railway company💫🔥
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/RubrykaEng/status/1623037764705914912
#Ukraine: The holders of two issues of #Eurobonds totalling US$895m have accepted proposals from national railway #Ukrzaliznytsia to delay repayment to contribute to stable operations during wartime and in post-war conditions https://bit.ly/3H6orHW
#ukraine #eurobonds #Ukrzaliznytsia
modest, absolutely-nothing-special, but somehow still gorgeous Christmas tree inside the Kyiv railway station, #Ukrzaliznytsia rocks, @AKamyshin@twitter.com is doing really good job 👍 https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1609057025413070848
The #SBU detained collaborators in #Kharkiv Oblast who helped transfer #Russian military echelons to #Ukraine
The security service exposed two more accomplices of the enemy during stabilization measures in the liberated areas of the #Kharkiv region.
The attackers turned out to be former employees of the regional branch of #Ukrzaliznytsia, who supported the Russian invaders at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
#Ukrzaliznytsia #Ukraine #Russian #Kharkiv #sbu
Immer wieder spannend, die @PRO_BAHN Zeitschrift „Der Fahrgast“ zu lesen. In der aktuellen Ausgabe erklärt der Leiter des Büros für internationale Projekte bei der ukrainischen Bahn #Ukrzaliznytsia, dass derzeit trotz der Kriegsschäden 87% der Züge pünktlich sind. Eine wirklich beeindruckende Leistung!
#JSC "#Ukrzaliznytsia" successfully agreed on the postponement of payments on #Eurobonds for two years, - Minister of Infrastructure of #Ukraine.
#Ukraine #Eurobonds #Ukrzaliznytsia #JSC
RT @BalticSnowTiger@twitter.com
#Ukrzaliznytsia with @AKamyshin@twitter.com saving Christmas!
The #IronArmy of Ukraine. @MriyaReport@twitter.com https://twitter.com/AKamyshin/status/1604230591607885824
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BalticSnowTiger/status/1604231632126640128
#Ukrzaliznytsia with @AKamyshin saving Christmas!
The #IronArmy of Ukraine. @MriyaReport
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/BalticSnowTiger/status/1604231632126640128
This would allow trains from Przemyśl head south as well as east across into Ukraine, either bypass Lviv altogether or provide an alternate, indirect route to Lviv.
RT @CFTS_UA@twitter.com
#Ukrzaliznytsia Makes Progress On Restoration Of Railway Section Near Polish Border.
Ukrainian railway workers are already working closer to #Khyriv on the route from #Przemyśl
#Ukrzaliznytsia #khyriv #przemysl
RT @fabiotonacci: Nell'#Ucraina in guerra il 94 per cento dei #treni arriva in orario. Nell'Unione Europea, in pace, solo il 78 per cento. In Italia la media è anche più bassa.
A Kiev sono orgogliosissimi della compagnia ferroviaria #Ukrzaliznytsia. Ne scrivo per @ilvenerdi #Kherson @Beltrew
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SilviaCostaEU/status/1593964216779567104
#ucraina #treni #Ukrzaliznytsia #Kherson
For my friend & co-host @OKCityRyan who today delivered humanitarian aid to liberated Kherson, our team at @MriyaReport, and in honour of #Ukrzaliznytsia with @AKamyshin here it is!
@YAmzallagh @SpencerGuard @ChuckPfarrer @Battlemoose01 @CasualArtyFan @ColbyBadhwar @CraigM_Regan
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/BalticSnowTiger/status/1593792128705970176
Lights up⚡️Kherson liberated⚔️ Kherson recovers.🍉
Слава Україні! Sláva Ukrayíni! The Iron Army!🚅
#Ukrzaliznytsia with @AKamyshin, you are absolute heroes. Thank you for your service to🇺🇦!
We'll follow you, #WCK & #Ukrposhta there.
@chefjoseandres @smelyansky_igor @MriyaReport
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/BalticSnowTiger/status/1593768879485898753
#Ukrzaliznytsia #WCK #Ukrposhta
#Ukrzaliznytsia launches a train from #Kyiv to #Kherson
The first 200 passengers will leave for the city liberated from the invaders this evening.
#Kherson #kyiv #Ukrzaliznytsia
Die #Укрзалізниця / #Ukrzaliznytsia fährt wieder nach Миколаїв / Mikolaiv. Auch Херсон / Cherson soll binnen 10 Tagen wieder angefahren werden.
"Die Züge in der Ukraine fahren langsam, aber trotz des Krieges weitgehend pünktlich und zuverlässig. Die funktionierende Bahn ist eine der Kräfte, die das angegriffene Land zusammenhalten."
Die #Укрзалізниця / #Ukrzaliznytsia fährt wieder nach Миколаїв / Mikolaiv. Auch Херсон / Cherson soll binnen 10 Tagen wieder angefahren werden.
Die ukrainische Eisenbahn #Ukrzaliznytsia / #Укрзалізниця bietet Fahrkarten im Vorverkauf in mehrere derzeit russisch besetzte Städte an. Diese können für Fahrten in den ersten drei Zügen ab Kyiv dorthin genutzt werden, sobald die jeweilige Stadt wieder unter ukrainischer Kontrolle steht.