Boots Chantilly · @BootsChantilly
1422 followers · 1837 posts · Server

I went back & forth about whether I should share this, bc it's not only gross, it's rly embarrassing. But it's common knowledge I have no filter. So. You might be wondering why I haven't shared any photos of the beautiful CA coastline. Well, it's because there aren't any. I think most of you know I have . With PS comes . Fortunately has had my UC pretty much under control for quite some time. But when Maddy & I were leaving SF, it decided to +

#rinvoq #Ulcerativecolitis #psoriaticspondylitis

Last updated 1 year ago

Sam Brentnall · @sambrentnall
25 followers · 159 posts · Server

Welp, managed to catch covid for a second time. On a positive note, tested positive on Thursday and was prescribed the anti viral meds on Friday. Not lost my taste but the meds are causing a metallic taste…

#Ulcerativecolitis #immunosuppressedp

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborahclaire31 · @deborahclaire31
34 followers · 49 posts · Server

Just realised I didn’t have an post. So what to tell you about me?

I live in the NW UK with my husband, son and Nova the .

I like all the usual things , , , , , , and a few guilty pleasures including books and tv and still haven’t outgrown my teenage crush on 😂😂😂 (Please don’t let that put you off 😂)

I work within the field of and am passionate about this as I have

#Ulcerativecolitis #patientexperience #ronankeating #outlander #Podcasts #Walks #Coffee #cake #TV #films #Books #Cat #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago