@Mary625 @cat_static No Democrat would vote for her. Independents tend to lose and just take votes away from Democrats. Republicans likely to choose Kari Lake as the Primary voters go for the #MAGA candidate then lose in the general. Rural areas more likely to be #MAGA. Some #UltraMAGA. My District is pretty evenly split between parties Republicans, Independents and Democrats.
A #YouTube channel seems to have slipped onto my feed called "Forbes Breaking News", which seems to be mostly simpering videos denying the January 6th Insurrection happened, and videos defending the #UltraMAGA weirdos and their "investigations".
I always assumed that #Forbes was one of those relatively neutral economics rags; but this is just weird #propaganda with what looks like paid commenters to stir up comment conversation.
Who are they and where did they spring from?
#MAGA #Politics #Propaganda #forbes #UltraMAGA #YouTube
"To the #UltraMAGA Morons: are you aware that when you donate to Trump's grift...I mean, Super PAC, that he gets to keep all the money to do with as he pleases? You're paying for his planes, McDonald's, personal bills, etc.
How does that help YOU?
#DemVoice1 #BlueVoices" -- @senseidai on Twitter
#BlueVoices #DemVoice1 #UltraMAGA
#UltraMAGA @RepBoebert is #UltraStupid
Bravo @RepJeffries for calling her & fellow @HouseGOP out as:
These Incompetent Fools will waste 2 yrs & our $$$ spewing lies "told by idiots, full of sound & fury, signifying nothing"
Civil Rights Lawyer, David Henderson:
“50 TX sheriffs attended trainings rooted in the false notion that they can single-handedly overrule state and federal law.
The real shocker is that the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement gave them continuing education credit for attending.” https://www.texastribune.org/2023/01/13/constitutional-sheriffs-texas/
#Radicalization #Extremism #UltraMAGA #PoliceViolence #PoliceBrutality #IWhiteSupremacy #StructuralRacism #Texas #Sheriffs #LawEnforcement
#lawenforcement #sheriffs #Texas #StructuralRacism #iwhitesupremacy #policebrutality #policeviolence #UltraMAGA #extremism #radicalization
2/ “‘If Republicans want to work together on real solutions and continue to grow manufacturing jobs, build the strongest economy in the world and make sure Americans are paid a fair wage, I’m ready,’ Biden said in remarks on the economy in Springfield, Va. ‘But I will not let anyone use the full faith and credit of the United States as a bargaining chip.’” - #Biden #POTUS #USEconomy #USPol #GOP #UltraMAGA #DebtHostage #DebtCeiling #Extremism
#extremism #debtceiling #debthostage #UltraMAGA #gop #USpol #USeconomy #potus #Biden
President Biden, via #TheLincolnProject: “‘Why in God's name would Americans give up the progress we made for the chaos they're suggesting.’ - Joe Biden today in Virginia. Powerful words from #POTUS as he continues to make good on his promise to strengthen our economy.” https://twitter.com/projectlincoln/status/1618720403299639296?s=61&t=3xkU5xN71MkSIJBT0hUxjg #USPol #Biden #Virginia #GOP #UltraMAGA #Chaos #MAGAThreat #Extremism #DomesticTerrorism #USEconomy #DebtCeiling #DebtHostage
#debthostage #debtceiling #USeconomy #domesticterrorism #extremism #magathreat #Chaos #UltraMAGA #gop #Virginia #Biden #USpol #potus #TheLincolnProject
#LincolnProject: “SINO (Speaker In Name Only) Kevin McCarthy has sold his spine to Marjorie Taylor Greene, his larynx to Matt Gaetz, and the scattered remains of his soul to the hungry ultra-MAGA masses.” #Speaker #KevinMcCarthy #MarjorieTaylorGreene #MattGaetz #UltraMAGA #Extremism #WreckingCrewGovernment #Fascism
#Fascism #wreckingcrewgovernment #extremism #UltraMAGA #mattgaetz #marjorietaylorgreene #kevinmccarthy #speaker #LincolnProject
The new face of the #GOP
Cartoonist: #DaveWhamond
#GQP #houserepublicans #UltraMAGA #republiKKKans
#editorialcartoons #cartoon
#gop #davewhamond #GQP #houserepublicans #UltraMAGA #republikkkans #editorialcartoons #cartoon
The #desantis appointed #floridasupremecourt has approved the #desantis ordered #grandjury to prosecute #pfizer #moderna #fauci and #Bidenadministration for its #desantis labeled “hoax vaccines” and to score points with the #UltraMAGA base. When will this end?
#desantis #floridasupremecourt #grandjury #pfizer #moderna #fauci #Bidenadministration #UltraMAGA
The #desantis appointed #floridasupremecourt has approved the #desantis ordered #grandjury to prosecute #pfizer #moderna #fauci and #Bidenadministration for its #desantis labeled “hoax vaccines” and to score points with the #UltraMAGA base. When will this end?
#desantis #floridasupremecourt #grandjury #pfizer #moderna #fauci #Bidenadministration #UltraMAGA
This opinion piece is 2 years old. #Taiwan and #SouthKorea had struggles in their #CovidRespomse of their own to keep up with the #pandemic since then, and those numbers don't look so good. But then the US still has the worst outcome because of #politics ... this is still worth watching, because that smoking gun the #ultraMAGA point to, are simply something else.
How America Helped Stop Covid-19. Just Not in the U.S. | NYT Opinion
#taiwan #southkorea #covidrespomse #pandemic #politics #UltraMAGA
Trump got 72M followers overnight! Suck a dick haters #maga #ultramaga #darkmaga
Trump got 72M followers overnight! Suck a dick haters #maga #ultramaga #darkmaga
Conspirator Conspirator tto over overthrow overthrow the votes by by the electoral college. Chairwoman @AZGOP, #AmericaFirst, #Prolife, #ProFamily, #ProFreedom, and #UltraMAGA. Her phone records have been subpoenaed by the Jan 6th committee.
https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_aEY6PtWb/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= co-conspirator to overthrow Americans votes in 2020.
#americafirst #prolife #profamily #profreedom #UltraMAGA
Right Engages In Whataboutism After Pelosi Attack | The Mehdi Hasan Show
I was aware that tRump's HS forces were a threat, but the extent to which they prepared a database of opposition and label them as a "left ANTIFA" threat for simply exercise their right to peacefully assemble to voice a grievance.
Allowing the Republican back into power at this point will end badly.
#ultraRight #UltraMAGA
#fascism #republicans #politicalviooence #ultraright #UltraMAGA #domesticterrorism
#LaTimes https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-28/pelosi-attack-suspect-david-depape-shared-conspiracy-theories has since confirmed that #DePape fell into the #QAnon #UltraMAGA #conspiracy trap and thereby fits the profile of the "lone wolf" actor in an environment of #stochasticTerrorism. Marjorie Tailor Green and #Trump come to mind.
#PaulPelosi is a victim of #domesticTerrorism
#latimes #depape #qanon #UltraMAGA #conspiracy #stochasticterrorism #trump #paulPelosi #domesticterrorism