Meet Raven Dauda at Trek Long Island! Raven will being signing, available for photo ops, speaking on a Q&A and be on a special panel with the Pop Culture Hero Coalition. Purchase tickets and photos with Raven Dauda now at!
#ravendauda #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #startrekfans #StarTrekFamily #umbrellaacademy #cliffordthebigreddog #Titans #UtopiaFalls #LLAP
#ravendauda #startrek #startrekdiscovery #startrekfans #StarTrekFamily #UmbrellaAcademy #cliffordthebigreddog #titans #utopiafalls #llap
Meet Doug Jones, David Ajala, Oded Fehr, Raven Dauda and Phumzile Sitole (her first convention appearance!) at Trek Long Island! Buy your tickets and photo ops now at
#StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #trekkie #trekkies #LLAP #longisland #longislandny #newyork #scienceofreading #odedfehr #DougJones #DavidAjala #phumzilesitole #ravendauda #TheMummy #HocusPocus #umbrellaacademy #OISTB #DoctorWho
#startrek #startrekdiscovery #trekkie #trekkies #llap #longisland #longislandny #newyork #scienceofreading #odedfehr #dougjones #davidajala #phumzilesitole #ravendauda #themummy #hocuspocus #UmbrellaAcademy #oistb #doctorwho
Trek Long Island is a family friendly event so don't leave the kids home! There will be plenty for them to do including a Storytime hosted by Prodigy's Bonnie Gordon 😃 .
There will also big an exeptional science track featuring PhD level scientists.
#StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #science #sciencefiction #SpaceHipsters #StarTrekSNW #DoctorWho #supergirl #TheMummy #BrendanFraser #umbrellaacademy #OITNB
#startrek #startrekdiscovery #science #sciencefiction #spacehipsters #startreksnw #doctorwho #supergirl #themummy #BrendanFraser #UmbrellaAcademy #oitnb
Thank you everyone who joined us on Trek Talking a Star Trek Podcast tonight!
If you weren't able to tune in:
I am super excited to announce Raven Dauda as our next guest at Trek Long Island! As well as being Doctor Tracy Pollard on Discovery, Raven also played a favorite character of mine on Umbrella Academy, Odessa.
#startrek #UmbrellaAcademy #trekkies #trektalking
An #introduction part 1:
I like #books. Mostly #SciFi & #Fantasy. Recently into The Expanse series, The 7-1/2 Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle, The First Fifteen Lives Of Harry August, Project Hail Mary. All-time fave is Catch-22.
Also like #comics. Mostly a #Marvel fan; fan of #Gambit #Hawkeye #RocketRaccoon #Deadpool. Love #UmbrellaAcademy and #MoneyShot.
#introduction #books #SciFi #fantasy #comics #marvel #gambit #hawkeye #rocketraccoon #deadpool #UmbrellaAcademy #moneyshot
Beyond just books and games, I figured I would list out a few other things I'm into:
TV shows: #firefly #warehouse13 #umbrellaacademy #derrygirls #thelastkingdom #letterkenny #mylittlepony along with Avatar:TLA and all of the reboots like She-Ra and Voltron.
Crafting: #crossstitching #gempainting #sewing ...I really need to get back into drawing again. I've also been learning #candlemaking this month.
I'll toot out the list of anime titles another day.
#firefly #warehouse13 #UmbrellaAcademy #derrygirls #thelastkingdom #Letterkenny #mylittlepony #CrossStitching #gempainting #sewing #candlemaking
Letzte Folge #UmbrellaAcademy. Muss mich konzentrieren. Hab ich schon erwähnt, dass die Serie sehr zu empfehlen ist? 😁
#UmbrellaAcademy Staffel 3. Keine Ahnung, ob die wirklich noch so viel geiler ist als die ersten beiden, oder ob man die Charaktere einfach lieber gewonnen hat - aber der Soundtrack tut sein Übriges. Ich feier das hier ganz hart! :D
1. Folge 3. Staffel #UmbrellaAcademy und ich schmeiß mich direkt weg. saugeil!
Same weird family. New weird problems. #UmbrellaAcademy Season 2 is coming July 31 on 🖤 this tweet for a reminder when your favorite dysfunctional family returns.