RT @meifongwriter@twitter.com
UK #handover of island, with little input by locals? Obvious parallels #Chagos and #HongKong. As @limlouisa@twitter.com's book showed, even influential HK-ers had little say or sway in Sino British accords that decided their fate. #UmbrellaRevolution. https://tinyurl.com/mvr5j973
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/meifongwriter/status/1592251180943646720
#UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #chagos #handover
雖然 2019 年的香港人,經歷了更多黑警的暴行,敵人的武力越加猖狂,但八年前的九月二十八日,這八十七枚射向市民的催淚彈,仍然是難以叫人釋懷、忘卻。記得那時的人說,吸過催淚煙,是人生的昇華。
9.28 的紀念日,由曾經有過低潮,到修成正果轉化出新的意義,爆發出更為波瀾壯闊的抗爭。但現在跟眾多的抗爭事件一樣,城裡的人,漸漸不欲再去提起
The Chinese government has systematically dismantled human rights in #HongKong over the last year.
A new special feature highlights the speed and intensity of the crackdown: https://t.co/3Nn4vmfiVF
#FreeHongKong 🇭🇰
#UmbrellaRevolution ☔
#umbrellamovement #UmbrellaRevolution #milkteaalliance #freehongkong #Hongkong
There are marches & rallies on the 2nd anniversary of #June12thProtest in many major cities all around the world except in #Hongkong herself. These pictures are from Shinjuku Japan today:
#FreeHongKong 🇭🇰
#UmbrellaRevolution ☔
#UmbrellaMovement ☔
#umbrellamovement #milkteaalliance #UmbrellaRevolution #freehongkong #Hongkong #June12thProtest