RT @leroi_o@twitter.com
According to @Addameer@twitter.com, the Israeli army has imprisoned over 12,000 Palestinian minors since 2000. Most were accused of throwing stones, a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison under military law. #FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding #الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة
#FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding #الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة
RT @WoodwarddianneJ@twitter.com
*Forbidden a visit from a mental health expert for a long time, he was finally allowed a visit recently (after his lawyers put up a fight.) The expert found that Ahmad is suffering from multiple mental health disorders. #FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WoodwarddianneJ/status/1619766248434458625
RT @sasa_ghada@twitter.com
I was honoured to speak on January 22 in a protest outside the Israeli Consulate in Toronto calling 4 the immediate release of Ahmad Manasra and all other Palestinian political prisoners. We will continue mobilizing until justice is realized ✊
#FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sasa_ghada/status/1617914493098692608
RT @lulo_x1@twitter.com
أحمد محتاج تفاعل كل واحد منا، خلونا بإيد وحدة نوصل صوت أحمد مناصرة.
Ahmad needs each and everyone of us take an action.
Let us, unitedly, make Ahmad’s voice heard.
#FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding #hopeforahmad #freepalestine #الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة
RT @AishaNa46377627@twitter.com
لا علاج لأحمد إلا أن يكون حُرًا..!
No treatment for Ahmad except freedom!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AishaNa46377627/status/1615040463441887254
#الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة #FreeAhmadManasra #نزع_الطفولة #Unchilding
RT @Palestinecapti1@twitter.com
Psychiatrists said that his incarceration, and especially his solitary confinement since early November 2021, continues to put his health in acute danger.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Palestinecapti1/status/1614208242531586049
#الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة #FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding
RT @Palestinecapti1@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Palestinecapti1/status/1614254819430264832
#الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة #FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding
RT @Palestinecapti1@twitter.com
Ahmad Manasra's solitary confinement was extended until 16 March 2023.
We don't want the occupation to continue to extend his solitary confinement!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Palestinecapti1/status/1614215794195599361
#الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة #FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding
RT @OmSuhaib20@twitter.com
Israeli court refuses to release a Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Manasra who was initially arrested at the age of 13.
Manasra is now 21 and suffers from a serious deterioration in his mental health
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OmSuhaib20/status/1611362241374294020
RT @PalesTunisians
A little Palestinian boy bravely standing up against armed Israeli soldiers, demanding they bring back his arrested brother.
#Unchilding #israelicrimes #israeliterrorism
RT @PalesTunisians@twitter.com
A photo of the #Palestinian youth Diyaa Al-Rimawi who was shot and killed a while ago by Israeli occupation forces near Aboud town, west of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PalesTunisians/status/1600920467413819392
RT @PalesTunisians@twitter.com
🇮🇹: Una foto del giovane #palestinese Diyaa Al-Rimawi che è stato colpito e ucciso qualche tempo fa dalle forze di occupazione israeliane vicino alla città di Aboud, a ovest della città occupata di Ramallah in Cisgiordania.
#Unchilding #Palestina https://twitter.com/PalesTunisians/status/1600920467413819392
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PalesTunisians/status/1600934791033065500
#palestinese #Unchilding #palestina
RT @alaalutfitweet@twitter.com
The occupation forces demolished the #school, and confiscated the tables and chairs of the students after violently evicting from the #classroom
#palestine #SaveMasaferYatta #انقذوا_مسافر_يطا #FIFAWorldCup #مونديال_قطر_2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alaalutfitweet/status/1595454573103222793
#school #classroom #Unchilding #palestine #SaveMasaferYatta #انقذوا_مسافر_يطا #fifaworldcup #مونديال_قطر_2022
The israeli regime has jailed Palestinian child Ahmad Refai; indefinitely probably: his military court hearing has been postponed til next week @QudsNen #Unchilding
RT @SaveSJarrah@twitter.com
Since 1967, Israel has operated two separate legal systems in the same territory. In the occupied West Bank, Israeli settlers are subject to the civilian legal system whereas Palestinians live under military law. #IsraeliTerrorism #IsraeliApartheid #Fascism #unchilding 🇵🇸🗝️🇵🇸
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SaveSJarrah/status/1590010013489467397
#israeliterrorism #israeliapartheid #fascism #Unchilding
No es ucraniano ni tiene ojos azules, se llama Ahmed http://loquesomos.org/no-es-ucraniano-ni-tiene-ojos-azules-se-llama-ahmed/ #FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding #LibertadParaAhmadManasra #FreePalestine #PalestinaLibre
#FreeAhmadManasra #Unchilding #LibertadParaAhmadManasra #freepalestine #palestinalibre
RT @mikopeled@twitter.com
The petition calling for the release of Ahmad Manasra now has nearly 30,000 signatures! Please join me in signing on. Israel takes the childhood away from too many Palestinians #FreeAhmadManasra #unchilding:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mikopeled/status/1511853514171072513
RT @mikopeled@twitter.com
Israel destroys the childhoods of many young Palestinians #Unchilding
In 2015, a 13 year old Palestinian child was sentenced to 9.5 years in prison. On April 13 he has a hearing and could be released. Join me in demanding Israel free him #FreeAhmadManasra
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mikopeled/status/1511012842253733903