About a year ago I printed out a copy of this paper👇by @Aaberhe et al.
It’s figure 1 says it all.
So I put it on the table in the institute’s kitchen. The paper circulated around the offices and landed back in the kitchen with visible signs of being read. Printing out the next reading tip ...
Scientists from historically excluded groups face a hostile obstacle course | Nature Geoscience
#UnconsciousBias #academicchatter
#academicchatter #UnconsciousBias
Once I heard how a male committee member, wanting to praise a male student's work, compared him with Alexander von Humboldt. This made me wonder, would anyone ever acknowledge my research achievements by comparing me with a male scientist of the past?
#academicchatter #UnconsciousBias
Who would have thought 🙄
A study (https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/EGU22-2562.html) shows that women are more likely to win awards that are not named after men.
#academicchatter #genderequality #UnconsciousBias
Why are some #Equity practitioners still fixated on teaching #implicitbias or #UnconsciousBias training when it clearly doesn't work? #UrbanEquity #EDI #DEI
#DEI #edi #urbanequity #UnconsciousBias #implicitbias #equity
#ImplicitBias isn’t “unconscious”?
“…participants in all 17 studies were able to accurately predict the patterns of their IAT results (…b = .44) …across samples, settings [online vs. in-person lab studies], countries …, and languages…. [These] results strengthen the hypothesis that cognitions reflected on implicit evaluations are accessible to conscious awareness.”
#socialPsychology #metaAnalysis #preprint #bias #unconsciousBias #decisionScience #cogSci #PhilMind
#implicitbias #socialpsychology #metaanalysis #preprint #bias #UnconsciousBias #decisionscience #cogsci #philmind
A very to the point piece by @IngridAnell on the effects of accumulated unconscious gender bias and the need to change the male-dominated approaches in academia.
'Most men do not think they are a part of the problem. Most probably feel they are a part of the solution.' 👏
On the #EGUblogs @EuroGeosciences
RT @EuroGeosciences
The accumulating impacts of #UnconsciousBias are often exhausting, demoralising & ultimately can drive women & other minorities out of scie…
Email from a publisher via my website addressed to...
...my husband "Stuart" aka Wally, asking if he'd submit photos from the site for publication in a book.
OK- the site mentions us both, but my name comes FIRST on every page, including the bio page, plus the correspondent had to SCROLL PAST ME on the bio page to even discover his real name as elsewhere he's just called Wally.
All the photos are mine. https://www.arranwildwalks.com/
#everydaysexism #UnconsciousBias
Email from a publisher via my website addressed to...
...my husband "Stuart" aka Wally, asking if he'd submit photos from the site for publication in a book.
OK- the site mentions us both, but my name comes FIRST on every page, including the bio page, plus the correspondent had to SCROLL PAST ME on the bio page to even discover his real name as elsewhere he's just called Wally.
All the photos are mine. https://www.arranwildwalks.com/
#everydaysexism #UnconsciousBias
And the complete study here for reference:
#transport #sustainability #PhysicalActivity #PublicHealth #UnconsciousBias #Prejudice #DecisionMaking
#motonormativity #decisionmaking #prejudice #UnconsciousBias #publichealth #physicalactivity #sustainability #transport
I wish I could say it wasn't true. But I've seen this all play out, and I've experienced it myself - repeatedly.
#bias #unconsciousbias #career #technology #womeninSTEM #inclusion #womenleaders
#WomenLeaders #Inclusion #womeninstem #Technology #career #UnconsciousBias #bias
I'm indicting myself but earlier I was going into my apartment building and, seeing someone I didn't know carrying packages, I held the door for them with no questions. It was a white woman. Afterwards I wondered - would I have done that for a Black person? My answer was - if I didn't know them, probably not. I would either have asked for ID or just left them to their own devices. I'm not proud of it - quite the opposite. This is how unconscious bias works.
#UnconsciousBias #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #UnconsciousBias
Thinking about how regular visits to the #federated timeline are great for #Americans in particular, whose exposure to the world is SO limited otherwise by design. Could help #UnconsciousBias to see posts not in our language, not about our politics, not FOR us. Remind us that the world doesn’t revolve around the #UnitedStates, even though our schooling and media try to behave as though it does. It’s refreshing to see.
#unitedstates #UnconsciousBias #americans #federated
Thinking about how regular visits to the #federated timeline are great for #Americans in particular, whose exposure to the world is SO limited otherwise by design. Could help #UnconsciousBias to see posts not in our language, not about our politics, not FOR us. Remind us that the world doesn’t revolve around the #UnitedStates, even though our schooling and media try to behave as though it does. It’s refreshing to see.
#unitedstates #UnconsciousBias #americans #federated
@aidenbenton I studied #bias in #AI as part of my #DEI certificate from NYU & I think I can help explain the dynamic for #tech, #diversity, #equity, #inclusion & #belonging newbies. Putting aside overt #racism, everyone on the planet possesses #UnconsciousBias. Absolutely everyone. Because the coders who create AI (who teach the machine how to “think”) are human, their unconscious #biases multiply every time the AI “thinks”.
#biases #UnconsciousBias #Racism #belonging #Inclusion #equity #diversity #Tech #DEI #AI #bias
Hallo, hallo, liebe alle, die Ihr Euch für die #RosaHellblauFalle interessiert, vllt kennen wir uns von Twitter? Hier ist noch so dunkel und wenig los, bin #neuhier und freue mich über Verbindung und 🙌 und 💜 und überhaupt!
Meine Themen:
*guckt was passiert* 😀
#EqualCareDay #GoldenerZaunpfahl #Gendermarketing #gendersensiblepadagogik #Schubladendenken #wahlfreiheit #UnconsciousBias #rollenbilder #Geschlechterrollen #EqualCare #Neuhier #RosaHellblauFalle
Wo seid Ihr alle? 1300 bin ich auf Twitter gefolgt. Und jetzt irre ich hier durchs Dunkel. Haaallo? #RosaHellblauFalle ? Hallo #EqualCare ? Ist ja jemand? Möchte jemand? #GoldenerZaunpfahl ? #Gendermarketing ? #Geschlechterklischees ? #UnconsciousBias ? Oder ist das die völlig falsche Strategie? Tierfotos vielleicht? … okay, ich komme später wieder 🤷🏻♀️🍀
#UnconsciousBias #Geschlechterklischees #Gendermarketing #GoldenerZaunpfahl #EqualCare #RosaHellblauFalle
RT @ChartaVielfalt@twitter.com
Heute ist internationalerTag der #Toleranz. Der Tag schärft das Problembewusstsein für Intoleranz und #UnconsciousBias. Unbewusste Vorurteile können zu Diskriminierung führen – auch in der Arbeitswelt. Der Tag setzt ein wichtiges Zeichen für Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz. !B
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChartaVielfalt/status/1592789525893615616
16.50: Worldbuilding Finale: Making Deliberate Choices https://writingexcuses.com/2021/12/12/16-50-worldbuilding-finale-making-deliberate-choices/ #TheoryandTechnique #UnconsciousBias #Worldbuilding #Season16 #Tropes
#theoryandtechnique #UnconsciousBias #worldbuilding #Season16 #tropes
#WomenTalkTooMuch We're pleased the #YoshiroMori #Tokyo #Olympic organizing committee president scenario puts this narrative right on the table & makes it visible. This provides a useful opportunity to #ChooseToChallenge #unconsciousbias women #TalkTooMuch http://bbc.in/3twtzMO
#GenerationEquality #genderequity #dontbesilent #TalkTooMuch #UnconsciousBias #ChooseToChallenge #olympic #tokyo #YoshiroMori #WomenTalkTooMuch