@FranigoRolls 4x oder öfter habe ich #Dream# Askew, #FrlBernburgs Pensionat für junge Damen, #HeartsOfWulin (in einer Scott Pilgrim-esken Welt), #IronHigh, #MagicalPets, #OurHaunt, #PasiónDeLasPasiones, #TheBetween, #VivaLaQueerBar und #YazebasBedAndBreakfast gespielt - einige davon als Playtest und alle empfehlenswert!
#UnderHollowHills konnte ich immerhin als Oneshot ausprobieren und möchte das unbedingt nochmal länger spielen. #pnpde
#dream #FrlBernburgs #HeartsOfWulin #ironhigh #MagicalPets #ourhaunt #PasionDeLasPasiones #TheBetween #vivalaqueerbar #yazebasbedandbreakfast #UnderHollowHills #pnpde
Online con has wrapped (for me, at least) and whew. Just such good tables of cheerful and interested players! Ran the Under Hollow Hills game where Summer didn't want to yield the year to Winter, and the circus put on a tragedy so sad that at the end all the Summerkind watching transformed into Winterkind. Poetry and prophecy abounded with the Crowned Stag, the River-Wise, the Feather-Cloak, the Crooked Wand, and the poor mortal Seeker.
#ttrpg #pbta #UnderHollowHills
One of my favorite moments as Agatha Bones (called Bones), the Crooked Wand, was telling the fortune of the Lady of Fog and Mist (sort of like personified Winter in our game), laying bare the goings-on around her, getting a vision of icy fury as a side-effect of that, and deciding to step from midnight-blue summer towards deep-red winter as a consequence even on a 10+, just because it seemed right. #UnderHollowHills #TTRPG
I also got to try out #UnderHollowHills - great playbooks, interesting variation of #PbtA mechanics, wonderful world/setting!
However, I found it a bit challenging for a one-shot (none of us had played it before), because there are a lot of elements to play with and I always need a bit of time to get used to that.
The one-shot definitely left me wanting more, though, so I'm looking forward to playing this again in a multi-session game in the future! #TTRPG
#UnderHollowHills #pbta #ttrpg
Rereading my notes for this weekend's Under Hollow Hills game and Past Gary used the word "flounceabout" (1) and well, Past Gary, that was nicely put.
1 As in "The Viridian Prince? Summer-in-green? That lazy, infuriating FLOUNCEABOUT."
Recently played/run
1. #VampiretheRequiem2e, in space!
2. #AvatarLegends
3. #D&D5e
4. #TheWildsea
5. #TroubledSkies - friend's game in dev
Want to play/run
1. #TROIKA (played once)
2. #YazebasBedandBreakfast (played once)
3. #DIE
4. #Ryuutama
5. #UnderHollowHills
#ttrpg #5and5 #vampiretherequiem2e #avatarlegends #d #TheWildsea #troubledskies #troika #yazebasbedandbreakfast #die #ryuutama #UnderHollowHills
Quiet week for ttrpg stuff - putting the finishing touches on a couple one-shots (Mouse Guard, Under Hollow Hills), reading Imp of the Perverse, daydreaming situations for The One Ring (which will maybe reconvene this Saturday?). I'm interested to see how the latter plays out - the expectation for sure is that your character's a proper Tolkieny hero and not a dragongame-style Itinerant Murderer.
#ttrpg #MouseGuard #UnderHollowHills #impoftheperverse #TOR2e
🧚♀️ #UnderHollowHills by @megueyb and @lumpley
🐺 #Coyote&Crow by Connor Alexander
👻 #OurHaunt by Rae Nedjadi
🖤#DreamAskew by Avery Alder
🎒#Wanderhome by Jay Dragon
🔪 #BladesInTheDark by John Harper
⚔️: #ThirsySwordLesbians by April Kit Walsh
🌱#Apothecaria by Anna Blackwell
#UnderHollowHills #coyote #ourhaunt #dreamaskew #wanderhome #bladesinthedark #thirsyswordlesbians #apothecaria
Look what just arrived! Thanks @megueyb and @lumpley for this wonderful new adventure 😌 #indie #ttrpg #underhollowhills
#indie #ttrpg #UnderHollowHills
Greeting @dice.camp with my #5and5 #ttrpg👋
Last Played:
1. #ourhaunt
2. #dialect
3. #sign
4. #dreamaskew
5. New to #ttrpg and have only played these as one-offs
Interested in playing/learning:
1. #underhollowhills
2. #apocalypsekeys
3. #wanderhome
4. #thequietyear
5. #grandguignol
I'm mostly excited by games that intentionally support collaborative storytelling, relationship, and connection at the table, and am learning how to facilitate/guide those experiences as a healing practice ✨
#5and5 #ttrpg #ourhaunt #Dialect #sign #dreamaskew #UnderHollowHills #ApocalypseKeys #wanderhome #thequietyear #grandguignol
Setting up to run an Under Hollow Hills (by @megueyb and @lumpley, for which my thanks and delight) one-shot at a con in a few weeks. I think the circus is in fairyland to celebrate and solemnize summer's end and mark the transfer of power between courts - but the summer-kind don't want to give over and the winter-kind are Big Mad about it.
Shenanigans ensue (presumably)!
Yoinked from @bookrarian
Oooh! A trend!
The last 5 #TTRPG I GMed:
Last 5 played:
A game in development by Emily Care Boss
#KidsOnBikes hack for #Blaseball
All time favorite game to run or play (which hasn't made it to this list in far too long): #ArsMagica
#ttrpg #apocalypseworld #UnderHollowHills #PsiRun #firebrands #StewpotTalesFromAFantasyTavern #KidsOnBikes #blaseball #NumbwaterSalvage #arsmagica
To follow on, 5 #ttrpgs I'd like to run (or play as the case may be):
#UnderHollowHills, the physical copy of which just arrived and holy smokes is it good. It's my favorite Bakers-thing yet - cozy, sly, fierce, silly.
#IntoTheOdd - I don't do a lot of #OSR type stuff, seems intriguing
#TheNightmaresUnderneath hits that OSR button & answers "why dungeons filled with monsters?"
#BluePlanetRecontact, waiting for this one with bated (baited?) breath
#Glitch because, broken Exrucian? YES PLS
#ttrpgs #UnderHollowHills #IntoTheOdd #osr #thenightmaresunderneath #BluePlanetRecontact #glitch
#UnderHollowHills is shipping! I am so excited and relieved! The traveling fairy circus is on it's way TO YOU!!!!
I feel that maybe #UnderHollowHills is the direction towards which #WorldWideWrestling should go. As far as #PbtA circus games go, if it's not about if you can make that flip, what matters is how the eyes of the audience move as you do so. How can you change their lives?
#UnderHollowHills #worldwidewrestling #pbta