Underdog, 16 April 2023. #ConceptualArt draft for a project I'm working on. #Underdog #Idea
#idea #Underdog #conceptualart
I grew up in Somerset when #Yeoviltown had the reputation of #giantkiller during the #facup .
You've gotta love an #underdog come on #wrexham
#wrexham #Underdog #facup #giantkiller #yeoviltown
I love this amp. I know, I know… it gets a hard time on reviews. Seems a bit of a pattern for me to champion the underdog! But for me, perfect.
#marshall #guitar #amplifier #guitar #underdog.
#Underdog #amplifier #guitar #marshall
La Pres. @GiorgiaMeloni si definisce "scolara della Storia", eppure dovrebbe ricordarsi che con lo schiavismo e il colonialismo, i "neri" non avevano diritto al "Lei".
Forse all' #underdog viene naturale dare del tu a un under-underdog.
No, Signora Presidente, mi dia del Lei. https://t.co/LrNRtku248
RT @DanielHegedus82: The walk of the isolated #Underdog.
Apparently no EU Prime Minister, not even @MorawieckiM of #Poland, is ready to welcome #ViktorOrbán.
Hence he beset the poor Pope on his first international visit after his election victory and meets the non-cabinet-member @matteosalvinimi.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1517081597639630850
#Underdog #Poland #ViktorOrbán