Luk 14:33 So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

The word “forsake” using the Strong’s dictionary means to depart or dismiss yourself from a place or people, to take leave, send away or renounce.
Why would the LORD require us to give up everything we have in order to be a disciplined learner under Him?

Throughout scripture we can see God always takes people out of their familiar surroundings such as their hometowns or families.

Salvation is not for free, it is a requirement to give up everything to God because He gave up His life for us to even have access to salvation. The blessing that comes with surrendering all to God is always 100x more than what we expected God to give us.

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#give #surrender #relationship #Understand #truth #sacrifice #Salvation #bible #discipline #teach

Last updated 1 year ago

Why does the Lord speak in Parables?

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning; something that we understand - such as food being nourishment to our physical bodies is a parable to the Word of God being nourishment to our inner being.

God is Spirit; He uses things we can understand in the natural world to convey heavenly things so we might be able to understand. Understanding is made possible when we are able to see the deeper meaning of Scripture, which comes when we understand the Word of God as a symbolic book that has to be revealed.

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#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #parable #riddle #symbol #Understand #bread #WORD #jesus #HolySpirit

Last updated 1 year ago

If one can see (emphasis supplied) with the eyes of faith, not based on the reflections of photons, but on the symbolic meaning of the image, then one will begin to see with the eyes that Moses, the prophets, Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church Fathers saw with.

This is the same understanding that Apostle Michael Petro teaches with, referred to as the apostolic language. It is the symbolic way in which all of Scripture must be seen. The Apostle Paul describes his Jewish pedigree (ref Philipians 3:5) prior to getting his spiritual myopia healed. Meaning, he had a different way of interpreting the Scriptures, which is how it was meant to be.

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#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #vision #See #Eyes #Understand #Deeper #learn #light #dark #Mystery #faith #Gospel

Last updated 1 year ago

Rain is Teaching

Deuteronomy 32:2 says:
"Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As the light rain upon the tender grass, And as the spring showers upon the herb.”

Under the right conditions, when a seed is introduced to water, it soaks up that water, swells, and breaks its outer shell. This is a beautiful picture reminding us that without water, a tree or crop cannot grow or produce anything.

God rains on the just and unjust, meaning He gives everyone the opportunity to learn His Word and produce fruit worthy of repentance (refMat 3:8), however, it is up to each person if they are willing to learn or not.

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#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #rain #teaching #learn #Doctrine #Understand #water #symbol #seed #harvest #Grow #character

Last updated 1 year ago

A lot of needing to this .

#today #Understand #people

Last updated 2 years ago

Restoration of the Soul

How does the Lord restore our soul? To be restored is to be brought back to the original state, meaning there is a default or issue with the image of something. In Hebrew thought, our mind and soul are the same thing. The Lord restores our soul by changing the way we think.

Western culture says, “I am, therefore I think”; while Hebrew thought believes, “I think, therefore I am.”

We were created in the image of God, but through the rebellion and disobedience of man, we fell from His image (Gen 1:26, Gen 3). God restores us back into His image, through the renewing of our mind, or the way that we think (Rom 12:2). This all happens through the knowledge and understanding of Scripture (Col 3:10).

#christ #spirit #Hebrew #pure #Soul #heart #respect #wisdom #Counsel #one #Understand #right #mind #Renew #knowledge #souls #Restoration

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spirit of Revelation

Rev 1:1 [THIS IS] the revelation of Jesus Christ [His unveiling of the divine mysteries]. God gave it to Him to disclose and make known to His bond servants certain things which must shortly and speedily come to pass [1] in their entirety. AMP

Revelation derives from the Greek word apokalupsis (G602) but its root origin is apokalupto (G601) from the strong’s dictionary. Apokalupsis means that something is being revealed, manifested, lightened, and appearing. The root word apokalupto has two parts to it. Apo means, “to take off” and kalupto means “to cover up or veil”, so when these two words are together they mean to take off the veil.

For more insight on these deeper concepts, visit

#Understand #Humble #teach #light #heart #innocent #pure #knowledge #Know #relationship #Mystery #deep #Yeshua #Salvation #deliverance #healing

Last updated 2 years ago

Good Eye

What does it mean to have good eyes in the spirit?

When you were growing up, you may have discovered that you needed glasses because you were having trouble seeing. When you see the scriptures mention blindness, or the inability to see, it is referencing something spiritual and not literal.

Jesus explains that those who cannot perceive the mysteries of the kingdom, cannot truly understand the character of God (ref Matt 13:10;17). To have eyes that work, or eyes that are good, means that you are able to understand the mysteries of scripture.

Do you have a good or bad eye?

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#vision #blind #Bad #sin #god #heaven #kingdom #Instruct #truth #code #riddle #Mystery #revel #Hidden #Understand #Discern #sight

Last updated 2 years ago


If we are not careful to prioritize Christ above all things it is easy to deceive ourselves thinking we are still on the path to righteousness just because we attend church and study here or there yet our minds are focused majority of the time on earthly things. How can we overcome these cares of the world that have been indoctrinated into our minds?

Visit for assistance on how to be prepared for the coming of Christ.

#heaven #Earth #Understand #care #Assess #voh

Last updated 2 years ago