What if I told you that the Lord is always speaking to us?
God is always talking and is all around us. Sometimes it can be easy to see Him with the wrong eyes or hear Him with the wrong ears. Scripture says the Lord is trying to activate a different kind of eye and ear; one without physical form and blind to the human eye.
Paul speaks about two different ways of interpreting scripture (2 Co 3:6); we can understand by the letter (no deeper meaning/ literal) or we can understand by the spirit (parabolic meaning).
Understanding by the letter means that we are using our human eyes to see it. When we understand by the spirit we are seeing God for how He intended us to see Him.
What do you see?
To continue reading the article “Seeing God & Knowing Him” visit voh.church/resources
#ApostleMichaelPetro #TheVoiceOfHealing #Always #Talk #Human #Eyes #Letter #Understanding
#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #always #talk #human #Eyes #letter #Understanding
"JOHN 4 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Jesus said that God is spirit, and that the true worshippers of God are those who worship him in spirit and in truth. What does it mean to worship God in spirit and truth? Paul talks about the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law (2 Corinthians 3:6.) The spirit of the law is the deeper, hidden meaning of the law which were the teachings of Jesus. The letter of the law is the literal interpretation of the law.
For more understanding about the law, visit voh.church/resources.
#ApostleMichaelPetro #Thevoiceofhealing #Law #Order #Truth #Worship #Letter #Spirit #Understanding #Life
#life #Understanding #spirit #letter #Worship #truth #order #law #thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro
The Apostle Paul said to be mature in our understanding (ref 1Co 14:20) has to do with our mental growth, showing that true perfection is not found in trying to act or be a certain way, nor is it done by our own strength. It is when we understand the knowledge and counsels of the Lord that our mind can be renewed from a wrong way of thinking and acting, to the correct way of thinking and acting - being righteous. When someone is righteous, or has a correct way of thinking, then they will walk in obedience in Christ because their mind has been renewed with understanding.
Visit us at voh.church/resources to check out more of our articles that break down in depth concepts about scripture.
Full article --> http://bit.ly/3FDuW3Q
#ApostleMichaelPetro #Thevoiceofhealing #Perfect #Mind #Maturity #Strength #Understanding #Counsel
#Counsel #Understanding #strength #Maturity #mind #perfect #thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro
When the Light of the world comes into your mind, you are able to see things you have never seen before (John 8:12); your mind is illuminated to Truth and your eyes can now see. Darkness, on the other hand, is when we cannot see something, or we are veiled to something; this means we can be blinded and not truly understand what Scripture is saying (Luke 11:34).
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (John 8:12).
We become illuminated through the knowledge and understanding of the deeper meaning of Scripture!
Want to learn more? We have resources and articles; visit voh.church/resources to read more.
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Light #Darkness #EyesToSee #Illumination #Understanding
#Understanding #illumination #EyesToSee #darkness #light #thevoiceofhealing
A quick Google search will tell you that the definition of “blessing” is to be made holy; consecrated. Looking at the word in Hebrew will reveal how we get there: it speaks of a bending at the knee in order to drink water, or to present a gift. The bending at the knee speaks of a humility to receive from God (ref 2 Chron 6:13); while the water is symbolic of the word of God that has the ability to sanctify and cleanse our souls (ref Eph 5:26).
The real gift, or blessing, is the ability to understand God’s Word and who He is, which brings a deeper connection with God. We are blessed when the Father reveals Himself to us.
Did you know we have pages of articles to read from? Visit voh.church/resources to read and share them with your friends.
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Blessings #Rain #Understanding #Kneel #Holy #Water #Teaching #Instruct #Humble #Humility #Listen #Hear #See #Clean
#clean #See #Hear #listen #humility #Humble #Instruct #teaching #water #holy #Kneel #Understanding #rain #blessings #thevoiceofhealing
A quick Google search will tell you that the definition of “blessing” is to be made holy; consecrated. Looking at the word in Hebrew will reveal how we get there: it speaks of a bending at the knee in order to drink water, or to present a gift. The bending at the knee speaks of a humility to receive from God (ref 2 Chron 6:13); while the water is symbolic of the word of God that has the ability to sanctify and cleanse our souls (ref Eph 5:26).
The real gift, or blessing, is the ability to understand God’s Word and who He is, which brings a deeper connection with God. We are blessed when the Father reveals Himself to us.
Did you know we have pages of articles to read from? Visit voh.church/resources to read and share them with your friends.
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Blessings #Rain #Understanding #Kneel #Holy #Water #Teaching #Instruct #Humble #Humility #Listen #Hear #See #Clean
#clean #See #Hear #listen #humility #Humble #Instruct #teaching #water #holy #Kneel #Understanding #rain #blessings #thevoiceofhealing
On numerous accounts God instructed His people to take land; He instructed them to destroy everything in it (Deu 20:16:18). By doing this, God made sure that there would be no trace of those laws and customs which could be re-established to defile His people.
When we understand God’s word symbolically, the land of Canaan, and the inhabitants of it, is really speaking of mindsets within us that we need to take dominion over. Once we are able to do this, we can come into the true image of God that is spoken of in Genesis (Gen 1:26).
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#TheVoiceOfHealing #Dominion #Rule #Understanding #Mindsets #GodsImage #Parable #Symbols #King #Kingdom #Royalty #Gold #Wisdom #Experience #Heaven
#heaven #experience #wisdom #gold #royalty #kingdom #king #symbols #parable #GodsImage #Mindsets #Understanding #rule #dominion #thevoiceofhealing
Washed by the Word
In the Old Testament, water was used for purification; the priests were consecrated by being washed with water (Exo 29), and water was also used to wash parts of the sacrificial animals offered to the Lord.
David cried out to God to wash him and cleanse him from all sin (Ps 51:2); however, he wasn’t speaking about having his physical body cleansed, he was talking about a cleansing of his mind and heart (Ps 51:10).
The Apostle Paul talked about the church being sanctified and cleansed by the washing of water by the word (Eph 5:26), showing us that water is symbolic of the word of God.
Are you being washed in the word of God?
For resources on various concepts in scripture visit voh.church/resources/
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Water #Word #Clean #Heart #Purification #Symbolism #Sin #Understanding #Transform #Renew #Mind #Doctrine
#Doctrine #mind #Renew #Transform #Understanding #sin #symbolism #purification #heart #clean #WORD #water #thevoiceofhealing
What does true restoration look like?
God is restoring us to a deeper understanding of who He is, while also turning the hearts of the fathers in the faith (those mature in understanding) back to the hearts of the children (those immature in their understanding) and vice versa (Mal 4:6). This is referring to our ability to see and understand spiritual things, or the deeper things of scripture, i.e., the man whose eyesight was restored when Jesus placed His hands over his eyes (Mar 8:25). The Lord wants our eyes to be opened to understand His word.
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#TheVoiceOfHealing #Restoration #EyesToSee #Spiritual #Understanding #Elijah #Father #Son
#Son #father #Elijah #Understanding #spiritual #EyesToSee #Restoration #thevoiceofhealing
How do we die to ourselves?
The Bible is filled with things that oppose the desires of man. We are told that we must decrease, so that He who is in us can increase (Jn 3:30). How do we accomplish this, and how can the desires of the hearts of man be purified?
Are you picking your cross? Connect with us by visiting voh.church/connect
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Crucified #Carnal #Reveal #Mind #Truth #Understanding #Appear #Ascend #Glory #Light #Order #Process #Temple #Heaven #Earth
#Earth #heaven #temple #Process #order #light #glory #Ascend #Appear #Understanding #truth #mind #Reveal #Carnal #Crucified #thevoiceofhealing
What is intimacy with God?
If you ask married couples, who have been together for years, to describe their spouse you may get a lot of intimate answers such as:“They like this,” “They have to have this in the morning.” They might even know what the other person will say before they even say it.
In the same way, this is how we are to know God. The Father wants an intimate relationship with every single one of us. In order for us to do so, we need to know Him (the WORD) at a deeper level. Just like we know our husbands or wives, the more we know and understand Him, the more knowledge we obtain of Him- that is intimacy.
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#TheVoiceOfHealing #Intimacy #Marriage #Knowledge #Understanding #TheWord #Relationship
#relationship #theword #Understanding #knowledge #marriage #intimacy #thevoiceofhealing
True Repentance
One of the biggest themes within the Bible is repentance; Jesus, from the beginning of His ministry on earth, was preaching repentance (Mat 4:17). But what does true repentance look like?
The word ‘repent” in Greek is metanoeō, it means “to change one's mind”, and “to think differently”. The WordStudy Dictionary also tells us repentance involves regret or sorrow, accompanied by a true change of heart toward God.
True repentance starts with a change in our mind, which will then lead to a change in our actions. Once our mind is renewed through understanding His word, we come to know the will of God and are able to walk in His plan and purpose for our lives.
Visit us at voh.church/connect to find out more.
#TheVoiceOfHealing #TrueRepentance #RenewedMind #Sin #Morals #Knowledge #Understanding
#Understanding #knowledge #morals #sin #renewedmind #TrueRepentance #thevoiceofhealing
We welcome everyone from all backgrounds to the Voice of Healing to come and gather with us to worship God in spirit and truth.
For more information on times and locations, visit voh.church or email us at connect@voh.church Blessings🌻
Houston TX (11am) CT
Address: 2001 Post Oak Blvd, Houston Tx 77056
Murrietta CA (9am) PST
#TheVoiceofHealing #Truth #Understanding #Healing #Spiritual #Learning #Love #Open #Change #New #Transform #Christian #Yeshua #Worship #Praise #Deliverance
#deliverance #Praise #Worship #Yeshua #christian #Transform #new #change #open #love #learning #spiritual #healing #Understanding #truth #thevoiceofhealing
A Receptive Heart
In the parable of the sower and the seed we have four grounds (soil). The seed sown by the wayside, the seed among the rocky ground, the seed sown among thorns, and the seed that was sown on good ground. Remember, this parable is pointing to something of a heavenly nature; the ground (soil) represents the heart and mind of the person receiving the seed. The seed is the word/teaching of God. The Bible says that God is the Word (Jon 1:1). If God is the Word, and the Word is the seed, then every time someone receives the seed into their heart and mind, they’re taking on a part of God’s character or His attributes.
For full article → https://bit.ly/3zADRir
#Thevoiceofhealing #Heart #Receive #Fertile #Ground #Toil #Soil #Fruit #Grow #Renew #Transform #Earth #Heaven #Temple #Love #Grace #Understanding #King #Priest #Tree #Christian #Yeshua
#Yeshua #christian #tree #priest #king #Understanding #grace #love #temple #heaven #Earth #Transform #Renew #Grow #fruit #soil #Toil #Ground #Fertile #Receive #heart #thevoiceofhealing
The Womb is the Mind
When the scriptures speak about a womb being opened up, it really is speaking of the opening of the mind. The word womb in ancient Hebrew is the word beten, and according to the Word Study definition of the word beten, it’s the “innermost parts, as the place where thoughts are treasured.”
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#Symbolic #character #Understanding #mind #womb #thevoiceofhealing
Turn to the Lord with all your ❤️
Psa 18:17-19 He delivered me from my strong enemy, From those who hated me, For they were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, But the LORD was my support. He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.
Connect with us at voh.church/connect.
#clean #passion #fire #defender #trust #compassion #knowledge #Understanding #obedience #love #relationship #heart #voh
A Hard Heart
Lack of understanding of God’s Word causes a hard heart. We all want to experience God & the Lord wants to circumcise all the hard places from our hearts from all the false understandings of Him & His Word.
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#Holy spirit
#passion #Understanding #christ #Humble #pride #cut #holy #heart #love #voh
Eyes to See and Ears to Hear
There is a common theme amongst the old and new testaments: the prophets and Jesus both urge the people to get ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’. Do we really understand what this means?
To learn more click on our website: The Voice of Healing Church | Revealing Jesus in You (voh.church)
#kingdom #Understanding #Perceive #mysteries #Parables #Hear #ears #See #Eyes #thevoiceofhealing
The Lord says we can perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
When we don’t have the right understanding, and are deceived by false doctrines, we are separated from truth (2 Thes 2:10).
Get to know the deeper things visit: www.voh.church
#humility #learning #knowledge #Understanding #teaching #DeepThings #search #voh
The Rapture theology that is widely understood today was not taught in the Early Church. In fact, it was a doctrine predominately introduced into mainstream Christianity in the 1800’s. The Mirriam-Webster dictionary describes the rapture acutely in alignment with the Early Church as “a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things”.
For more about the Real Rapture visit: https://bit.ly/3OQ8NSS
#jesus #rapture #Understanding #mystical #Divine #voh