In less than an hour, we will be discussing the EU Disability Employment Package.
➡️ What is it?
➡️ How will it contribute to improving the employment of persons with disabilities?
➡️ How does it fit into the #EUDisabilityRights Strategy towards a #UnionOfEquality?
Join us starting at 14:00 Brussels time:
#EUDisabilityRights #UnionOfEquality
Unlocking a more inclusive EU.
We're making this vision a reality.
Today’s proposal introduces:
♿ The European #Disability Card: Issued by national authorities, it will complement existing certificates and ensure that disabled people get the special treatment they are entitled to.
🚗 The Enhanced European Parking Card: Replacing national parking cards, it will guarantee parking rights in all #EU countries, enabling independent #mobility.
#disability #EU #mobility #UnionOfEquality
🏆 The #EUAccessCity Award recognizes cities that create truly accessible urban spaces.
👉Apply here by 18 September:!Bw34hf
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European Commission: The 2024 #EUAccessCity Award competition is now open for applications!
Is your city making significant efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities and promoting equal access to urban life?
Apply now →!Bw34hf
#EUAccessCity #UnionOfEquality
📢It's time to get loud!
D'@EURightsAgency huet den #LGBTQSurvey bis den 22. August verlängert.
Verpasst net d'Chance fir är Meenung ze soen an hëlleft LGBTIQ Gläichberechtegung z'erreechen🌈
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EU Fundamental Rights ➡️ #HumanRights: 📣By popular demand we have extended the #EURightsAgency #LGBTIQSurvey to 22 August.
Now even more #LGBTIQ people can have their say.
Don’t miss out!
Take part in the survey and help achieve LGBTIQ equality!
#LGBTQSurvey #UnionOfEquality #humanrights #EURightsAgency #LGBTIQSurvey #LGBTIQ
I met with @MarjanHammersma at the @g20org meeting on women empowerment. We exchanged ideas on measures to strengthen gender equality, address #VAWG and fight discrimination towards LGBTIQ persons in our shared commitment towards a #UnionOfEquality
Re #RomaHolocaustDay
Današnji dan podsjetnik je na 500 000 Roma ubijenih u okviru nacističkog režima.
@EU_Commission i #EU27 nastavljaju predanost i angažman u izgradnji unije ravnopravnosti u 🇪🇺 i promicanju uključenosti.
#RomaHolocaustDay #EU27 #UnionOfEquality
What is the EU Disability Employment Package?
How will it contribute to improving the employment of persons with disabilities?
How does it fit in the #EUDisabilityRights Strategy towards a #UnionOfEquality?
Join us on the 7 September at 14h to learn:
#EUDisabilityRights #UnionOfEquality
Romanien joukkotuhon eurooppalaisena muistopäivänä kunnioitamme holokaustin uhreina kuolleiden satojentuhansien romanien muistoa ja vakuutamme jälleen, että pyrimme kohti tasa-arvon unionia ja olemme sitoutuneita sen saavuttamiseen.
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European Commission: On #RomaHolocaustDay, we pay tribute to the 500,000 Roma murdered under the Nazi regime.
Roma people still face racism and discrimination. Together with the EU countries, we are working to fight anti-gypsyism in Europe and promote inclusion and participation.
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
On Roma Holocaust Memorial Day we pay tribute to the 500,000 Roma & Sinti murdered under the Nazi regime.
History reminds us why it is so important to build a #UnionOfEquality, where everyone's human dignity & fundamental rights are respected.
Re I call on EU Member States to step up their efforts to raise awareness of Roma history, including the Roma Holocaust.
This is crucial for fighting #antigypsyism, hate speech and discrimination.
#EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality
#antigypsyism #EU4Roma #UnionOfEquality
On European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, we pay tribute to the hundreds of thousands Roma victims of the Holocaust and reaffirm our efforts and commitment to building a #UnionofEquality.
Europe has a duty to protect its minorities from discrimination.!hkktVV
Avui, el dia en memòria de l'holocaust gitano, rendim tribut al mig milió de gitanos assassinats pel règim nazi. Els gitanos encara pateixen racisme i discriminació. Treballem junts per una societat més justa.#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality!hkktVV
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
How much you know about the rights of persons with disabilities?
We want to hear from you 🫵
Take part in our survey and test your knowledge, you have time until 31 July!
#EUDisabilityRights #UnionOfEquality
#EUDisabilityRights #UnionOfEquality
On #RomaHolocaustDay, we pay tribute to the 500,000 Roma murdered under the Nazi regime.
Roma people still face racism and discrimination. This is why we continue working with the EU Countries on our Roma Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion and participation.
As the number of survivors and witnesses of these horrors dwindles, it is our duty to continue their remembrance and pass on their testimonies.
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
Početkom tjedna @EU_Commission je s @MyEDF pokrenula prijave za #AccessCityAward 2024. 💪🏼
🏅 se odaje priznanje 🏙 koji su postali pristupačniji 👥 s ♿️ i koji su predani poboljšanju uvjeta. 3 prvoplasirana #EUAccessCity osvojit će 150 000, 120 000 i 80 000 💶.
#AccessCityAward #EUAccessCity #UnionOfEquality
How did our #UnionOfEquality do in 2022?
❌No progress on the EU's Equal Treatment Directive.
✔️But the EU & some MS made efforts to promote #HumanRights of #LGBTIQ people & expanded discrimination grounds.
More in #EURightsAgency's #RightsReport2023:!jYCx8F
#UnionOfEquality #humanrights #LGBTIQ #EURightsAgency #RightsReport2023
At the College Seminar of @EU_Commission preparing for #SOTEU, I set out our achievements and presented our upcoming initiatives towards building a #UnionOfEquality.
📣 Candidatures ouvertes pour l'Access City Award 2024! Récompensant les villes favorisant l'accessibilité pour tous. 🌆 La Ville de Luxembourg a gagné en 2022! 🎉!mT76Wb
#AccessCityAward2024 #EuAccessCity #UnionOfEquality
#AccessCityAward2024 #EUAccessCity #UnionOfEquality
Početkom tjedna @EU_Commission je s @MyEDF pokrenula prijave za #AccessCityAward 2024. 💪🏼
🏅 se odaje priznanje 🏙 koji su postali pristupačniji 👥 s ♿️ i koji su predani poboljšanju uvjeta. 3 prvoplasirana #EUAccessCity osvojit će 150 000, 120 000 i 80 000 💶.
#AccessCityAward #EUAccessCity #UnionOfEquality
#UnDíaComoHoy en 1979, Simone Veil, antigua ministra de sanidad francesa y superviviente del Holocausto, era elegida presidenta del Parlamento Europeo.
Fue la primera mujer en ostentar el cargo. 🇪🇺
#UnionOfEquality #EUWomen #EUArchives
#UnDíaComoHoy #UnionOfEquality #EUWomen #EUarchives