"My father & his family lived in what was called Old Chinatown, down where #UnionStationLA is. And they were given eviction notices to leave because they were going to build the train station." https://exhibits.lapl.org/chinatown/exclusion/
Map of Old #Chinatown, via LAPL: https://tessa2.lapl.org/digital/collection/photos/id/99066
“From Wed, May 3 to Fri, May 5, 1939, Los Angeles staged one of the biggest extravaganzas in its history to celebrate the opening of its new #UnionStationLA,” Bill Bradley (1979). https://www.abebooks.com/9780916374365/Last-Great-Stations-years-Angeles-091637436X/plp
Opening day, via #NHMLA: https://collections.nhm.org/seaver-center/Display.php?irn=2454755&QueryPage=%2Fseaver-center%2F&BackRef=ResultsList.php #UnionStationLA #LosAngeles #TransitHistory
#transithistory #losangeles #nhmla #UnionStationLA
Architect John Parkinson was born #OTD in 1861. He designed over 400 buildings in #LosAngeles, including #UnionStationLA, the #LAColiseum, #BullocksWilshire & #LACityHall. Portrait from USC Libraries: https://digitallibrary.usc.edu/Share/mp2joubqn16cp1e6ukw33sfh3sc4e225
#LACityHall #BullocksWilshire #LAColiseum #UnionStationLA #losangeles #otd
"If you’re traveling through #UnionStationLA in the coming weeks, we have a great new exhibition in the Waiting Room titled The Yellow Car and Los Angeles." https://thesource.metro.net/2022/11/21/yellowcar-la/