Just an FYI: If you blame individuals (which are not #billionaires) on the #ClimateCrisis I will ask you to leave the #ClimateJustice instances. We don't do this here.
Don't get me wrong: It's good if individuals do "their part" in tackling the climate crisis, by changing their habits and lifestyles, but blaming them, when its clearly the #capitalist system's fault is just wrong.
Be #vegan, consume sustainably, ride your #bike, don't fly.
There are many good reasons to do so, e.g.:
👉 it's the right thing to do
👉 it's healthy
👉 you're a role-model for others
👉 if many people do this, it slightly changes how companies act.
👉 it fosters your awareness for the issues
But also be aware that its a droplet on a hot stone. Non-wealthy individuals won't fix the climate with their daily choices. We have to *demand* action by the big players.
And I don't mean blame China!
All of us need to demand radical climate action by our governments.
So please:
✊ #protest
✊ #strike
✊ #unionize
✊ #block
✊ #sabotage peacefully
We can do this together! I know we can.
#billionaires #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #capitalist #vegan #bike #protest #strike #Unionize #block #sabotage #consumerblaming #victimshaming
Breaking: 2 employees of Mia Mover @ MIA, owned by Mitsubishi $MUFG were seriously injured last night when a train crashed into a stationary train at 15mph
Workers blame Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava for refusing to stockpile parts and Mia Mover for pushing out longtime employees
This is reportedly the second crash in the past month as $MUFG subsidiary has forced out all experienced workers and train parts are on back order for years
Dumpster Fire Daniella has yet another infrastructure scandal on her hands
#BecauseMiami #Unionize #workersunite #dumpsterfiredaniella
give a shit.
just 10 minutes a day is the equivalent of a 40 hour vacation annually...
#workerrights #socialstability #demandhigherwages #fakequote #fun #strike #dignity #humanrights #unionize #organize #quaityoflife
#workerrights #socialstability #demandhigherwages #fakequote #Fun #strike #dignity #humanrights #Unionize #organize #quaityoflife
Rebel Diaz - Which Side Are You On? REMIX ft. Dead Prez and Rakaa Iriscience
We are living historic moments of oppression, to which the people have the right to respond with historic moments of resistance.
#Revolution #resist #uprising #unionize #borders #gentrification #classwar #directaction #onelove
#Revolution #resist #uprising #Unionize #borders #gentrification #classwar #directaction #onelove
"How is this something to #brag about? Truck #drivers shouldn't be #working 70 hours a week. #Overworked truck drivers are a #danger to themselves and #everyone around them. This is a #reason for truck drivers to #unionize and demand fewer hours, not a reason to #judge people who #complain about working 40."
“I’m #exploited to hell and back and destroy myself to make a decent #income. I’m convinced this makes me a better #person. Meanwhile #wealthy fucks make a thousand times as much as me while playing #golf badly and #laughing at me for being a sucker, and I steadfastly #support them in the #polls.”
#brag #drivers #working #overworked #danger #everyone #reason #Unionize #judge #complain #exploited #income #person #wealthy #golf #laughing #support #polls
To understand why the #Starbucks organizing drive is so important to the shrinking #labor movement, it helps to understand the story of Lexi Rizzo.
A barista fought to #unionize her Starbucks. Now she’s out of a job. - Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/interactive/2023/starbucks-union-fired-worker/?tid=ss_tw
Memorial Day Massacre: Workers Die, Film Buried (Preview)
The first film to fully explore the 1937 tragedy in Chicago, when police shot and killed ten pro-labor marchers--and the shocking film cover-up that followed.
This haunting episode transformed union organizing in the U.S. while revealing the dangers of official secrets and media suppression, with profound lessons for Americans today.
Directed by Greg Mitchell and Produced by Lyn Goldfarb.
#ClassStruggleUnionism #Unionize #workersoftheworldunite
#ClassStruggleUnionism would prevent these kinds of abuses!
Kentucky McDonald's put 10-year-olds to work until 2 in the morning: officials
Matthew Chapman
May 3, 2023, 10:50 AM ET
#wtf #SystemFail #Unionize #childabuse #ClassStruggleUnionism
Only one week away. May Day 2023.
Boston May Day 2023 will be on May 1st , with a rally at 5pm at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common, followed by a march throughout the city.
Over 40+ speakers of cosponsoring organizations for May Day 2023 include;
Boston May Day Coalition
Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
Cambridge City Growers
New Democracy Coalition
United American Indians of New England
Jewish Voice for Peace
Black Lives Matter Rhode Island
Workers World Party - Boston
Refuse Fascism
North American Indian Center of Boston
Community Church of Boston
Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front of Massachusetts
Encuentro 5
African People’s Socialist Party
Anarchist Black Cross - Boston
Community Advocates for Justice and Equality
COS New England
DSA Socialist Feminism Working Group
Little Liberty
Progressive Labor Party
Revolutionary Blackout Network
Natick Black Lives Matter
Boston Independent Socialist Group
Red Strike Project
International Marxist Tendency
Communities Responding to Extreme Weather
Inspiring Today’s Youth.
Extinction Rebellion Boston
Palestinian Youth Movement
Boston South Asian Coalition
Julian Assange Defense - Boston
Boston Teachers Union
St. Vincents' Nurses Union
Justice is Global
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health
Battle First Aid Responder Services
Activate Media
Burhan Rebels / Trans rights /LGBTQIAS2+
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Starbucks Workers United Massachusetts
Bishop of the Diocese Of Saint Francis of Assisi
July 26 Coalition - Boston Cuba Solidarity
Massachusetts Peace Action
Mass Action Against Police Brutality
Massachusetts Nurses Union of Brigham & Women's Hospital
In addition to the above endorsing organizations, additional speakers include the families of victims of police brutality & murder in Massachusetts
Eric Mack ( Anthony Harden's family)
Dimex (Larry Ruiz Hernandez's family)
Carla Sheffeild (Burrell Ramsey White's mother)
Dyani Tisdol (sister of William Tisdol)
Tina Degree (Moses Harris's family)
Jenelle Ambroise (Christopher Diven’s mother).
There will also be music: 4:30pm-5pm
Joe Messina - will perform revolutionary punk rock
Kristin Turgeon - will perform revolutionary folk
Food will be available courtesy Boston Food Activists
more info @ https://www.litakelley.com/blog/boston-may-day2023/
#Boston #BostonMA #Massachusetts #mayday #mayday2023 #classwar #unionize #union #workers #workersrights #freepalestine #policebrutality #blacklivesmatter #internationalworkersday #immigrantrights #transrights #abortionrights #antiwar #bostonprotest #protest #rally #march #generalstrike #strike #solidarity #unitedfront #indigenousrights #ClimateEmergency #xrboston #ExtinctionRebellion #nurses #starbucks #racialjustice #SocialJustice #marxism #marxist #socialism #socialist #anarchist #anarchism
#indigenousrights #climateemergency #xrboston #extinctionrebellion #nurses #starbucks #RacialJustice #socialjustice #marxism #marxist #socialism #socialist #Anarchist #anarchism #boston #BostonMA #massachusetts #mayday #mayday2023 #classwar #Unionize #union #workers #workersrights #freepalestine #policebrutality #blacklivesmatter #internationalworkersday #immigrantrights #transrights #abortionrights #antiwar #bostonprotest #protest #rally #march #generalstrike #strike #solidarity #unitedfront
Rain or shine, up or down, #Eugene is a union town! … thanks to all the students and unionists who made it to our incredible #LaborSpring rally. We were honored to participate in this event with all the other AMAZING UNIONS ❤️ Also, TODAY we are filing to be the largest student worker union in the country. Thank you for all the support, especially over this last week.
#Eugene #laborspring #unionstrong #labor #Unionize
#starbucks #labor #unions #sipin #unionbusting #UnionStrong #Unionize #coffee #baristas
Dump the bosses off your back :3
#anarchosyndicalism #unionize #organize #labor #capitalism #bosses
#anarchosyndicalism #Unionize #organize #labor #capitalism #bosses
Train stations in Germany right now... completely stopped and empty as labor unions are on a strike for higher pay (March 27)
#Unionize #strike #solidarity #organize #workersunitedwillneverbedefeated
#Unionize #strike #solidarity #organize #workersunitedwillneverbedefeated
Chipotle shutdown store to prevent workers from unionizing
#Unionize #organize #protest #strike #solidarity #abolishwageslavery
#Unionize #organize #protest #strike #solidarity #abolishwageslavery
gimme your best pro union meme
#Unionize #organize #solidarity
#Unionize #organize #solidarity