Do #anarchist #economies need a universal unit of account? Many socialist economy models suggest a universal unit of account: Some of them circulating money as in capitalism, others non-circulating tokens based on hours of work.
But do we want or need a universal unit of account at all? Do issues outweigh the benefits? I collected some arguments in
Feel free to contribute.
#Anarchist #economies #UnitOfAccount
> Energy is something that should be spent carefully.
Obviously, tells the #corporateState and #warmongers that, please. Not Lil ol' bitcoin securing the best form of #currency and #unitOfAccount ever to grace the face of earth.
#corporateState #warmongers #currency #UnitOfAccount
All we see are #astroturfing #Westerners thowing stones in their glasshouse.
Suddenly #ElSalvador are evil and need #regimeChange because they are working out how to use a #UnitOfAccount that cannot be easily confiscated by US and UK.
Maybe the US/UK need to look in the mirror a bit because the world is moving on.
Pot called kettle black.
#astroturfing #westerners #elsalvador #regimechange #UnitOfAccount
For the record, we only heard about this news from #antiBitcoiners, lol.
#astroturf (noun) - a fake grassroots movement.
If #ElSalvador and its people, are starting to see the benefits of #BTC over a #UnitOfAccount like #gold, of which #Venezuela's gold was recently confiscated by the #UK and handed to an extreme rightWing opposition…
Then yes, that is only commonsense. What are you looking for #regimeChangeWars?
#antiBitcoiners #astroturf #elsalvador #btc #UnitOfAccount #gold #venezuela #uk #regimeChangeWars
If you thought #ProofOfWork was bad, take a look at Proof-of-Stake.
Its 'complexity theatre'!
A proportionate amount of #energy to backup a global #UnitOfAccount is fine, and much preferred over unproven methods like #colonialism, #violence and ProofOfStake.
#NFTs #ETH #complexityTheatre #ElonDusk #DontLetTheSunGoDownOnYouOnYourWayOut
#proofofwork #energy #UnitOfAccount #colonialism #violence #nfts #eth #complexityTheatre #ElonDusk #DontLetTheSunGoDownOnYouOnYourWayOut