Andrew Lopez, RN · @nursefriendly
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Maija C. Hahn, CCC-SLP, American Health & Freedom Summit, January 5-8, 2023, Orlando

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Maija is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Autism Specialist who has helped develop individualized autism programs in California, Oregon, Washington State, and Michigan. She is the founder of United For Healthcare Workers, an organization dedicated to uniting and empowering healthcare workers who stand together for ethics and integrity in medicine and against unscientific public health mandates.

#wellness #VaccineInjury #vaccinechoice #UnitedForHealthcareWorkers #SpeechPathologist #MichiganForVaccineChoice #medicalfreedom #MaijaHahn #LongCovid #HealthSummit #HealthFreedomUnmuzzled #healthcare #FreedomSummit #COVID19 #chronicillness #chiropractic #BigPharma #autism #alternativehealth #AmericanHealthFreedomSummit

Last updated 2 years ago