RT EU Health - #HealthUnion
Vaccinating pre-teen girls and boys against HPV provides safe, effective and long-lasting protection from infections and related diseases, including cancer.
➡️Get informed
➡️Get screened
➡️Get vaccinated
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1689886867536396288
#HealthUnion #UnitedInProtection
RT EU Health - #HealthUnion
Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to take care of yourself and protect everyone’s health.
Safe and effective vaccines throughout the life course help keep many serious diseases at bay.
Get vaccinated. Make vaccines work.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1686262989073383424
#HealthUnion #UnitedInProtection
Thanks to vaccination:
- smallpox is now eradicated worldwide
- transmission of polio has ended in most parts of the world
- cervical and other cancers caused by HPV can be prevented
Find more on http://vaccination-info.eu#EUVaccinationPortal #vaccineswork #UnitedInProtection https://t.co/jeGBUxbhrm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1679037976842518528
#VaccinesWork #UnitedInProtection
Cepite se – zaščitite sebe in druge!
Varna in učinkovita cepiva pomagajo omejiti ali izkoreniniti marsikatero resno in potencialno smrtonosno bolezen.
Prisluhnite Mateji Praprotnik iz Lekarne Ljubljana.👇
#UnitedInProtection 🔗👇
@EU_Health @NIJZ_pr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1676935076351815682
RT Ministerio de Sanidad
Vacunarse es una de las mejores maneras de cuidarse y proteger la salud de todos.
Las vacunas seguras y eficaces a lo largo de la vida ayudan a mantener a raya muchas enfermedades graves.
#UnitedInProtection https://t.co/KEC4SO6ziP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sanidadgob/status/1675044064671178753
#HPVelimination | Vaccinându-ne, ne protejăm: #UnitedInProtection
Vaccinarea fetelor și băieților împotriva HPV poate preveni infecțiile și bolile asociate.
Vaccinarea ar trebui combinată cu screeningul de rutină pentru depistarea cancerului cervical.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RCERomania/status/1674767065515802632
#HPVelimination #UnitedInProtection
Each year, vaccination stops 2.7 mln people from getting measles, 1 mln from getting pertussis & 2 mln babies from getting tetanus.
Want to know more about the benefits of vaccinations?
Click: https://vaccination-info.eu
#EUVaccinationPortal #vaccineswork #UnitedInProtection https://t.co/6yriijHQ60
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1674324320963956737
#EUVaccinationPortal #VaccinesWork #UnitedInProtection
RT @DrSusanNasif: Someone DM-ed me yesterday:
"Hey Suz❗️
I learned this from your #Meningitis book before😁"
That is true. I explained this to kids & their parents in the latest volume by @EUPublications @EU_Health
CHECK IT you too🙃
It's FREE❗️❗️-> https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/16416228-034e-11ee-87ec-01aa75ed71a1
#UnitedInProtection https://t.co/O2nXYopjHF https://t.co/WpYTEagEkH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1667152228107337728
#meningitis #UnitedInProtection
COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency, but surveillance, preparedness & coordination remain key
Timely vaccination ahead of a potential 2023 autumn/winter surge will help protect people from severe illness & keep health systems working
RT @EMA_News: ‼️ We have published joint recommendations with @ECDC_EU on:
👉adapted #COVID19vaccines to target XBB strains
👉their use in autumn 2023 vaccination campaigns
Read more in th…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1666062075028729856
#UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion #COVID19vaccines
#RSV - respiratory syncytial virus - causes an estimated 17000 in-hospital deaths each year in Europe
Today, we authorised the 1st vaccine to protect adults aged 60+ from lower respiratory tract disease caused by the virus
#UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1666025972691288064
#RSV #UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion
This is sad news.
Harald zur Hausen's discovery made it possible to develop a preventive vaccine against HPV, preventing associated diseases like cervical cancer.
RT @NobelPrize: We're sad to hear about the passing of 2008 medicine laureate Harald zur Hausen.
Despite initial doubts over his hypothesis and research, his discovery of human papillomaviruses causing cervical cancer made it possible to develop a preventive vaccine.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1664239632714719234
With the #EUCancerPlan we aim to vaccinate against HPV at least 90% of 🇪🇺 target population of girls, and increase vaccination of boys by 2030.
Actions like these in 🇵🇱 and other Member States are prime examples of our vision in action.
#UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion
RT @EUinWroclaw: Od dziś w Polsce🇵🇱 można zapisywać 12- i 13-letnie dzieci na bezpłatne szczepienia przeciwko wirusowi brodawczaka ludzkiego #HPV. Zaszczep swoje dziecko: spraw, by szczepion…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1663444121195880449
#EUCancerPlan #UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion #HPV
Od dziś w Polsce🇵🇱 można zapisywać 12- i 13-letnie dzieci na bezpłatne szczepienia przeciwko wirusowi brodawczaka ludzkiego #HPV. Zaszczep swoje dziecko: spraw, by szczepionki działały!
#UnitedInProtection #UniaZdrowia 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1662356965102850048
#HPV #UnitedInProtection #UniaZdrowia
What does the EU do to ensure vaccines are safe, effective and high-quality?
The European Vaccination Information Portal has answers for you in YOUR language!
Visit https://vaccination-info.eu/to find out more.
#EUVaccinationPortal #vaccineswork #UnitedinProtection
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1661280885176676353
#EUVaccinationPortal #VaccinesWork #UnitedInProtection
"𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙪𝙩, 𝙎𝙮𝙧𝙜𝙤!" - 👀⚡️
Are you into comics? Meet the two superheroes who fight the viral gang.
To be #UnitedInProtection means understanding the importance of vaccination and how it can save your life or the life of someone you love.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1659091449319682051
While the pandemic is not a global emergency anymore, COVID-19 is still part of our life.
Vaccination of 60+ years & vulnerable people during autumn/winter 2023 is still crucial, as advised by @ECDC_EU
We are #UnitedInProtection
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1654808193887875072
#UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion
RT @DrSusanNasif: @samillingworth Here's my most recent #vaccines and infectious diseases comics with
@EU_Health (#UnitedInProtection)
It is a miniseries of 3 books in 26 langs
Book 1, vaccines
Book 2, #HPV
Book 3, #meningitis
Target audience: EU school children
https://op.europa.eu/en/search-results?p_p_id=eu_europa_publications_portlet_search_executor_SearchExecutorPortlet_INSTANCE_q8EzsBteHybf&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=normal&facet.author=agent.Nasif+Obeid-Adorisio__+Susan&facet.collection=EUPub&language=en&startRow=1&resultsPerPage=10&SEARCH_TYPE=ADVANCED https://t.co/ouOWuiw6Nf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1654396907735613441
#Vaccines #UnitedInProtection #SciArtShowcase #HPV #meningitis
RT @DrSusanNasif: The EU Commission publication office has released an educational miniseries (https://learning-corner.learning.europa.eu/learning-materials/amazing-adventures-syrgo-and-bc_en) about routine children vaccines in 26 EU langs.#UnitedInProtection
I advise parents who have concerns to read it with their +9 yo children.
It might help better understanding. https://t.co/7Ez8C0ZDam https://t.co/5m5ChEDU5a
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1654396866098765825
@DrSusanNasif @BrianRWasik Thanks for sharing this, @DrSusanNasif ❤
#UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1654396802261557249
#UnitedInProtection #HealthUnion
RT @DrSusanNasif: @BrianRWasik The EU Commission publication office has released an educational miniseries (https://t.co/NY7AWyBd9S…) about routine children vaccines in 26 EU langs.#UnitedInProtection I advise parents who have concerns to read it with their +9 yo children. It might help better understanding.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1654396462611025920