Today in Labor History August 27, 1798: An army of 2,000 French troops and United Irishmen, led by Wolfe Tone, routed a combined force of 6,000 British and Protestant loyalist soldiers in the Battle of Castlebar, during the Irish Rebellion of 1798. Wolfe Tone’s Society of United Irishmen formed in the wake of the French Revolution in order to win “equal representation in government for all people,” emancipation of Catholics and an independent Ireland. The organization was composed of both Protestants and Catholics who vowed to make common cause in their struggle. They organized primarily among the working class and tenant farmers. The Irish Rebellion lasted from late 5/24/1798-10/12/1798. Up 50,000 Irish rebels and civilians died in the uprising, along with up to 2,000 loyalist troops.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #ireland #irish #rebellion #UnitedIrishmen #WolfeTone #catholic #FrenchRevolution
#workingclass #LaborHistory #ireland #irish #rebellion #UnitedIrishmen #wolfetone #catholic #frenchrevolution
The Second United Irishmen rebellion began on 23 July 1803 led by Robert Emmet. The rebellion failed and Emmet was captured on 25 August. He was subsequently tried and executed. Emmet's Speech from the Dock after sentencing secured his reputation among future generations of Irish republicans.
#IrishHistory #Ireland #RobertEmmet #UnitedIrishmen #OnThisDay
#irishhistory #ireland #robertemmet #UnitedIrishmen #onthisday
Wolfe Tone (Bhulbh Teón) was born in Dublin on 20th June 1793. He was one of the founding members of the United Irishmen, a republican society determined to end British rule in Ireland. He came from a Protestant family. He was active in drawing Irish Catholics and Presbyterians together in the United cause, and in soliciting French assistance for a general insurrection.
#Ireland #Dublin #IrishHistory #WolfeTone #UnitedIrishmen #OnThisDay
#ireland #dublin #irishhistory #WolfeTone #UnitedIrishmen #onthisday
William Drennan (1754–1820), physician, patriot, and minor poet, was born #OTD 1754 at the manse of his father Thomas Drennan in Rosemary St., Belfast.
Founder of the United Irishmen: "A benevolent conspiracy—A Plot for the People—No Whig Club—no party Title—The Brotherhood its name—the right of Man and the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers its End."
#otd #dib #IrishPhilosophyOTD #UnitedIrishmen
Today in Labor History February 21, 1797: In the wake of the French Revolution, 1,400 French soldiers invaded Britain to support the Society of United Irishmen in the Battle of Fishguard (Wales). A force of only 500 British reservists defeated them within two days. This was also the last time that a foreign army invaded Britain. 33 French soldiers died. The British captured another 1,360. In 1798, the United Irishmen instigated a republican insurrection, which failed. In December, 1796, the French had also tried to assist the United Irishmen, but failed to land a single ship due to terrible weather, losing 12 ships and 2,000 sailors in the process.
#LaborHistory #WorkingClass #ireland #IrishRebellion #republican #british #colonialism #french #Revolution #UnitedIrishmen #massacre
#LaborHistory #workingclass #ireland #irishrebellion #republican #british #colonialism #french #Revolution #UnitedIrishmen #massacre
Before reading about Edward Despard, l hadn't known there was an auxillary to the #UnitedIrishmen called the United Englishmen, or of the executions relating to 1803 #RobertEmmet Rising outside Dublin.
#Kildare connection: his wife Catherine left destitute stayed for a time at Lyons, near Hazelhatch. Given the interracial marriage in "Belinda", I wonder if #MariaEdgeworth knew of her.
#UnitedIrishmen #robertemmet #Kildare #MariaEdgeworth #irishhistory
5 Feb: #WilliamDrennan, physician, patriot and poet, died in Belfast, in 1820.
He was the first to call Ireland "the Emerald Isle" (in the poem "Erin"), the first president of the #UnitedIrishmen, the founder of the Belfast Academical Institution (‘Inst.’) in 1810.
#dib bio:
His aims in 1791 "A benevolent conspiracy—A Plot for the People [...] the right of Man and the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers its End."
#williamdrennan #UnitedIrishmen #dib #IrishPhilosophyOTD
The Lass of Richmond Hill, written by the betrayer of Robert Emmet, John and Henry Sheares, Bagenal Harvey, et al #1798 #UnitedIrishmen #Traitor
Later this summer, we will celebrate the 225th anniversary of the 1798 #UnitedIrishmen rebellion.
Central to that rebellion was the support of our 🇫🇷 allies. Our republics share heritage, history and crucially a strong future together.
Vivre les républiques 🇮🇪🇫🇷
Gladys Ganiel reviews Claire Mitchell’s ‘The Ghost Limb: Alternative Protestants and the Spirit of 1798’ for the Slugger site. Claire will be talking about the book in our seminar series in February. #NorthernIreland #UnitedIrishmen #IrishHistory #IrishPolitics
#northernireland #UnitedIrishmen #irishhistory #irishpolitics
The Irish Rebellion of 1798 will be the subject of the next episode of BBC’s In Our Time on December 8. Melvyn Bragg’s guests will be Ian McBride, University of Oxford; Catriona Kennedy, University of York; and Liam Chambers, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. #IrishHistory #UnitedIrishmen
Hey @ClaireMitchell look what eventually arrived fm Waterstones!?
Glad I wasn’t in a hurry for it 😉😂
#ThomasRussell, radical and founder of #UnitedIrishmen was born #OTD 21 Nov 1767 in Dromahane, Mallow, Co. #Cork. Librarian in #Linenhall, charismatic figure, advocate of Catholic Emancipation & right of all including poor to participate in politics. Imprisoned 1796 to 1802, in Paris called to return to assist Emmet setting up 1803 Rising. Arrested & executed 21 Oct 1803 in #Downpatrick. Remembered in "The Man from God Knows Where".
Images - wiki
#ThomasRussell #UnitedIrishmen #otd #cork #linenhall #downpatrick #IrishPhilosophyOTD
In 1794 the #UnitedIrishmen were driven underground. #WolfeTone went to France. The abortive invasion in Bantry Bay in 1796 was followed by revolt in 1798 (coupled with a French invasion defeated in Longford).
Tone was captured, was tried (where he outlined his principles in a speech from the dock), was wounded in prison (by himself or another) and died.
"I have laboured to abolish the infernal spirit of religious persecution, by uniting the Catholics and Dissenters."
Theobald #WolfeTone died in prison #OTD 1798. He had been a founder member of the #UnitedIrishmen in 1791, had personally sought assistance from the French and was aboard a ship at the aborted invasion at Bantry Bay in 1796, and a leader in the #1798Rising.
He was buried in Bodenstown, Co. Kildare.
#WolfeTone #otd #UnitedIrishmen #1798rising #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD
From @lorraineelizab6@twitter
#OTD 1797: Wolfe Tone sentenced to death for role in #UnitedIrishmen rebellion.
His speech from the dock:
"I have laboured to create a people in Ireland by raising three Millions of my countrymen to the rank of citizens. I have laboured to abolish the infernal spirit of religion persuasion by uniting the Catholics & Dissenters."
See for more.
#otd #UnitedIrishmen #IrishPhilosophyOTD #irishphilosophy
In 1791, the first Dublin meeting of the #UnitedIrishmen takes place at the
Eagle Tavern, Eustace St.
Among those attending were Theobald Wolfe Tone, Archibald Hamilton Rowan, William Drennan and James Napper Tandy.
Originally intended as a (predominantly Protestant) group agitating for parliamentary reform and Catholic Emancipation, it became more separatist over time. It was proscribed in 1793, when war broke out with France.
(Plaque from )
#IrishPhilosophyOTD #UnitedIrishmen
Thank you to whoever pointed out an introduction with hashtags is needed!
I'm Claire Mitchell, a writer from Co. Down/#Belfast. I'm into #politics #history #irishhistory #ireland #northernireland #irishwriting #unitedirishmen #books #ecology #socialism
I had a book out just last week, The Ghost Limb: Alternative Protestants and the Spirit of 1798. It tells stories of about 20 northern Protestants, whose politics are a bit different to the norm.
Happy to be here :)
#politics #history #irishhistory #ireland #northernireland #irishwriting #UnitedIrishmen #books #ecology #socialism #mrstooth #irishtwitter